More Facebook fun. Cypress housing area. That first one looks big. I honestly don't know what they are.
I don't believe so.AZAG08 said:
first one is a rat snake -- can't tell as well on the second. Its not the same snake is it?
cpsencik04 said:
yea....the copperhead i pulled out of the oak tree at my deer lease begs to differ with your generalization
More like 10 feet!tx4guns said:
I've posted this pic a couple times. Rat snake in a tree a few years back near Rusk. This snake hung around our cabin for at least 4 years in the summers and then we quit seeing sheds. His last shed was almost 6 feet long.
ttha_aggie_09 said:
Looks bigger with all the leaves gone
jbanda said:
zooguy96 said:
pigs and rabbits when larger.
I'm no expert, but yes. Why wouldn't it be?suprafly03 said:
Is it capable of digesting those cats?
BCO07 said:
I also remember reading at one point that the everglades Burmese and rock pythons were interbreeding to make a unique American hybrid constrictor. Don't know how true it is, but sounds crazy if true.
I await being made fun of by the real herpers