First sighting in the backyard this year. Time to burn it all down!

I'm going with blotched water snakeDrillbit4 said:
Juvenile snake cruising around my pool the other night. No more than 6" long. Any ideas? Hognose?
have to wait for the experts on this one....maybe a ground snake?TheClaw07 said:
this little guy was out at the ranch. Any idea?
Ground snake. West or northwest Texas?TheClaw07 said:
this little guy was out at the ranch. Any idea?
In general, the hill country sucks for hiking up snakes, at least compared to most of Texas east and south of there.third coast.. said:
I've been hiking all over pedernales falls state park and haven't seen a single snake
Uncle Gunnysack said:
so has everyone seen the puppy-eating python on facebook by now?