Bones2012 said:
Maui McQueen said:
A height variance request has been submitted for a new development at 203 Church Street in Northgate, next to the Standard. Looks to be 200 feet+. More and more towers coming to Northgate. Interested to see the future of this area. Owned by Rountree Development.

Is there anymore information on this development?
The Zoning adjustment meeting to discuss the variance request is tomorrow night at 6 PM. is in person, but there is a zoom link on the agenda I linked if you want to log in and watch.
From the agenda materials:
The applicant is proposing a new mixed-use development in Northgate
encompassing four lots on the corner of First Street and Church Avenue.
This building is anticipated to consist of commercial use on the ground floor, with a
parking garage and residential units above which will be similar in character to
other developments in the area. The structure is anticipated to be
approximately 23 stories in height.
The north corner of the building is proposed to sit at 576 feet Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL), the west corner at 576 feet AMSL, the east corner at 576 feet AMSL, and the south corner at 578 feet AMSL.
The highest point of the proposed building is to be at 578 AMSL (or 235 AGL).
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Easterwood Airport Management
have provided support of height up to 578 feet ASML.