This is random, but I've always thought that at some point the Losties and the others would join forces in some manner against a third party of some kind. This could fit with the whole Boat, invasion thing implied by Ben.
Has anyone made this connection yet.. or am I honestly just reading too much into this?
Now, the real reason why the writers didn't tell us who is in the coffin is because of money - you reveal who is in the coffin then you have to pay that person whatever they want until the Losties make it off the island.
The body of Jo.. [unreadable] ..antham of New York was.. [unreadable] ..[shor]tly after 4 a.m. by the.. [unreadable] of Grand Avenue
The body of Jo.. [unreadable] ..antham of New York was.. [unreadable] ..[shor]tly after 4 a.m. by the.. [unreadable] of Grand Avenue