Thats the original Sawyer!!!
it all makes perfect sense now!
it all makes perfect sense now!
where can i download this? my sattellite was on the fritz and I had to plug in an antenna and watch through a lot of fuzz. I wanna see it clear.
quote:Or it could somehow be a consequence of Desmond's quantum leaps.
So, as other have pointed out, there was a massive cover-up of the plane crash.
So, as other have pointed out, there was a massive cover-up of the plane crash.
Or Naomi is a big, fat liar. Within minutes of talking to her she said something that made Sayid mistrust her. He starts asking some probing questions and she tries to misdirect the conversation. Naomi has done nothing to prove she has any credibility. We never even saw the "chopper" she parachuted from...