because we really didn't learn anything from that episode,
we learned almost nothing in this episode... and Desmond's flashback was extremely uneventful
We learned that Desmond:
was a monk at one point;
was engaged for six years to someone other than Penny;
Ran out on his wedding to follow a calling;
A calling that was apparently not really his calling;
We learned:
How Penny and Desmond met;
That the creepy ring shop lady that would later "guide" Desomond about his visions knew the monk that was "guiding" Desomond at the Monastery;
That apparently the island can be reached by someone from the "outside" world.
Did we learn every secret of the island/show/plotline? Nope. But I think we actually learned some interesting stuff.
[This message has been edited by AgDC (edited 4/19/2007 9:27a).]