I thought last night was excellent and planted some well placed morsels that are setting us up for the finale. For those of you who thought tonight sucked, everything can't be revealed to us tonight. There were some HUGE things that took place tonight and I'm sure are going to play a huge factor in the final four episodes:
1. "815 was found" - the last 10 seconds of the episode where the parachutist told Hurley that 815 was already found with no survivors leads us to a couple of things. Obviously it's not purgatory (this has been answered THOUSANDS of times since season 1)! However, the coverup scenario with "Jacob" being involved is a great possibility, as well as the possibility of a time warp having taken place a la "The Langoliers" or any of the other dozens of time references that have been made apparent throughout the last three seasons, and especially in this one.
2. Patchy's resurrection - why not celebrate another return from the dead so shortly after Easter? There are obviously lots of things that this means a. was he really dead? b. did he fake his death c. was he working with Locke? or d. something else messed up that we don't know about?
3. Sun's on death watch - this will obviously carry over into Season 4, but could make for some interesting story lines. This also links into my 4th point:
4. Juliet's correspondence - we know there is a plan between here and Ben, but there is a play we have not seen yet. I believe Sun's pregnancy may motivate Juliet to change her motives and work with the Losties, Sun and Kate.
5. Mole mole - the seeds have been planted that a mole exists (see our conversation from the last few pages) and Jack is the obvious choice, followed by Juliet. The two of them are too predictable. I don't think Charlie will be one of them either and would put a lot of stock on Locke or Sawyer pulling the old switcheroo.
My roomate hates when I analyze the show, so I'm looking for someone else to watch the show with. Any takers?