Dharma Light presents Real Men of Genius…Male Singer: Real Men of Genius…Today, we salute Mr. Dharma Initiative Worker Guy…
Male Singer: Mr. Dharma Intitiative Worker Guy…Narrator: They said this job would be great. Riding around in old VW bus with no air conditioning, and helping mankind.
Male Singer: Not one bit of air conditioning…Narrator: Sure, kidnapping and experimenting on human beings seems glamorous, but who is there when the toilet clogs?
Male Singer: Goin’ need a big plunger!Narrator: So, you died in a horrible jungle crash and a dog chewed off your decayed arm, at least those pesky scientists never got your beer.
Male Singer: Nerds don’t drink beer!Narrator: So, crack open an ice cold Dharma Light, Mr. Dharma Initiative Worker Guy, and know that now that your gone, Othersville no longer has hot water.
Male Singer: Takin’ cold showers…http://www.contemporaryinsanity.org/audio-video/bud-light-real-men-of-genius.html[This message has been edited by zap (edited 3/1/2007 8:59a).]