I think it's pretty obvious at this point that the writers know exactly what they are doing.
i can't emphasize this enough. all the people *****ing about the hurley/van episode and about how nothing happened and it was just filler. bull****. I really wish these people would stop watching the show and leave it to people who actually enjoy the show, not to mention have some faith in the producers. what's the point if you keep *****ing about how they should do this or they shouldn't have done that? let the producers weave their tales, then judge it. in the meantime, enjoy the ride. if you can't enjoy this, then tv really isn't for you.
Damon, first, I want you to know that last week, I hated me. I hated people who do what I do, because it honestly broke my heart that the huge "flash forward" twist of the finale was spoiled on a Website. I know you were trying extremely hard to protect that.
It was unfortunate. You know, I think there will always be people who want to turn to the last page of the book, but I feel that those people are almost universally disappointed with what they read there, because if it's cool, they don't understand the context, and if it sucks, they feel like they've saved themselves time. But no one skips to the end of life. You have to live it, and it's just disappointing to me that people don't respect the integrity of the show enough to let it unfold naturally. There is a fine line between intriguing the audience with what's to come and giving them the whole shebang. And I feel the line was crossed with the finale this year, and it's really disappointing. Which is why, if we're going to talk about these things, I would at least like to come to you, because I know you'll handle it responsibly and not cross that line.
How are you dealing with the Spoilergate aftermath?
Well, with regard to season four, Carlton and I are going into complete and utter radio silence. I know a lot of people are going to be frustrated, but I think if things had gone a little differently in terms of the finale getting spoiled, we might have been a little more open to talking about it. But now we're all bitter. [Laughs.] No, honestly, the reason for the silence is we don’t want to tell the audience what to think about where the show is going to be next year. The way the finale concluded and what happens next is open to interpretation. I think it had a real imaginative quality to it that hopefully engaged the audience's imagination the way the show did when they first saw the pilot.
The big set for season four is called the Ruins.
Though, it doesn't make up for the Gold ticket that Jack has for Oceanic to fly anywhere...