*** STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Spoiler Discussion/Reactions ***

405,972 Views | 2952 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by Philip J Fry
The Dog Lord
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Sorry if this was discussed earlier. I've only read the last 8 pages or so and saw many people talking about Rey's parents. Many mentioned if it would be possible for her to be Leia and Han's child. The possibility of a mind wipe and Leia/Han not discussing her for many reasons were all mentioned, but...Did anyone discuss the glaring issue of Kylo knowing his sister? I didn't pick up on any "you're my sister" vibes.

He long suspected that she was a certain someone, which was confirmed in his mind when she Force grabbed the lightsaber. Who that "certain someone" is remains a mystery.

To me it feels like he knows who she is in the context of being another of Luke's students.

Interesting and could definitely make sense.
Donald Glover
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It's going to be crazy to see all the different theories and other things that get brought up in a year and a half until VIII comes out, and holy crap am I excited for that already
Murder Hornet
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I'm in the camp that she is not Luke's daughter but she was in training at the Jedi Academy when Kylo destroyed it. I think Luke recognized her abilities with the force and put her in hiding after the attack to prevent her from being taken to Snoke.

I think there will be more flashbacks in the next go round as they piece together that backstory. Would also love to find out who Max Von Sydows character was. He's an awfully big name to bite it in the first five minutes.
Donald Glover
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I think Luke has foreseen some terrible consequence for Rey if she follows the path of the Jedi. That explains the despairing look when she shows up at the monastery and the mind wipe and seclusion on Jakku better than any theory I've heard so far. Fortunately, always in motion is the future.

That sounds pretty convincing in my book
Donald Glover
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Wait, who were the parents of all the "new jedi" that Luke was training?
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I didn't mind the 3rd death star for 2 reasons...

1, Domhall Gleeson's speech, the speech, was amazing. It made that fker scary.

2. It was a means to an end. The real drama was unfolding on that catwalk. I was so engrossed with the Rey/Kylo then Kylo/Han drama that the action beats were well timed. That was the crux of the plot, and IMO better than ANH where the Death Star was the crux of the story.

I won't argue with Snoke. He needs real work if he's going to push the plot going forward. I LOVE that not everything is explained, let our mind do the work. I don't mind the lightsaber being found. I don't mind the falcon being found.

The Rathtars were filler and could be cut, and that was a criminal use of The Raid guys. I'd have done more with them. Captain Phasma was criminal, but that's the marketing departments fault.

I still stand by the biggest gripe, Hans fall was cool....but other than the one shot of Chewie dammit let the moment sink in. It's one Leia hug, great shot of Chewie and she's already on her way with cheers at her back. Meh... Needed more time.
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I think there will be more flashbacks in the next go round as they piece together that backstory. Would also love to find out who Max Von Sydows character was. He's an awfully big name to bite it in the first five minutes.
I had the impression that he was too "filled in" for the screen time he got, so when I watched the second time, I made sure to pay careful attention. Even though Poe was the "bigger" character, Sydow drove the conversation with longer and more interesting lines and his face was typically in full light and the focus of the frame while Poe was to the side and in the dark. That confirms to me that they want us to remember this guy later on. I think he'll show up in the explanations later on, although not necessarily the way it seems.
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The Rathtars were filler and could be cut, and that was a criminal use of The Raid guys. I'd have done more with them. Captain Phasma was criminal, but that's the marketing departments fault.
I didn't realize that was them till later, I caught an article that reminded me they were in the film then went to look up what parts they played.

Underused is an understatement, though I wonder if some they captured some really cool shots that just didn't work in context.
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I really think the third Death Star was put in because A) it's safe for the writers, and B) as a means to advance the story quickly for 8.

The First Order isn't supposed to be an overpowering enemy at this point. In order for them to get the Republic even with the First Order, the Republic had to be dealt a major blow. Instead of dragging out a war they went back to an old standard in the planet destroyer. I think that's going to wind up being a good thing for the trilogy when it's all said and done.

Besides. While I'm tired of the Death Star, I'm in my 30's. My kids on the other hand never sat in a theatre and watched X-wings fly the trenches to blow the **** out of one, and I'm cool with them getting that experience.
The Dog Lord
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When the lightsaber got stuck in the snow, I really thought Luke was going to show up and force grab it away from Kylo.

Sorry for digging up a random quote from an early page, but that would have been awesome. I actually prefer leaving him until the end, but that would have been a great entrance.
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If we never get to see Luke go ultra badass Jedi Master, I will be very unhappy.

And if/when we do see Luke rain down terror upon the hapless minions of the Dark Side, I may pass out from joy.
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Sorry, had to post this...

Fat Bib Fortuna
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I'm just posting this so I can look at it over and over.

Fat Bib Fortuna
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Official casting call release for Episode 8 - says Harrison Ford is in it; gotta be a flashback I assume.

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Just saw TFA today!

I keep going back and forth on who's daughter Rey is. I know the popular opinion is that she is Luke's daughter, but I really am leaning towards Han and Leia's. I think her being Luke's daughter is too obvious and I think its likely they will throw us a curve ball in the next movie with her story.

She is basically Han Jr, so much that they were finishing each other's sentences. And she has the empathy and caring of Leia (not to mention the force sensitivity from the Skywalker side of the family).

The obvious issue is that Han and Leia obviously didn't recognize her or acknowledge they have a daughter. It could be that Kylo was thought to have killed her a while back as part of turning towards the dark side. This would explain why they dont recognize her or acknowledge the existence of a daughter, as it would have been very tragic.

The event was likely tragic for Reynolds herself, which would explain repressed memories of the Force and how she was able to pick it up so fast. It wasn't that she was learning it, but that it was coming back to her.
Buck Compton
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Several holes to poke in that, one of which is her being left on the desert planet at about 5 years old. Can't learn much by that age and there wouldn't be any "coming back" about mind control at that age.

Also, Han and Leia specifically only mention losing their son in dialogue, not multiple children...
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Several holes to poke in that, one of which is her being left on the desert planet at about 5 years old. Can't learn much by that age and there wouldn't be any "coming back" about mind control at that age.

Also, Han and Leia specifically only mention losing their son in dialogue, not multiple children...

True, being young and abandoned does make it less likely. But the prequels (lol) show us children starting training at a very young age. Luke may have started training Kylo and Rey very young so as to guide them towards the light side early, to avoid them suffering the same fate as Anakin.

And Han and Leia may only mention Kylo in that context because he can still be brought back. Obviously, if they think their daughter is dead and it happened a long time ago; it's likely they have blocked out her memory and don't speak of it. Can't really avoid doing that with Kylo as he's stilling running around causing problems.

I need to go see it again and listen to them talk about it.
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What's interesting to me is that Rey exhibits all the qualities I would expect from a child of Han and Leia, while Kylo is nothing like I would expect from the son of Han and Leia.
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Belton Ag
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I've read every single post since my review last night and while I'm definitely sticking to most of my initial thoughts/critiques, I do admit that I've come around on a few others. I love talking this stuff out with you guys. I'm seeing it for a second time tomorrow night, this time with my family, and will report back with my impressions after another go-around.
Going into it I wasn't looking to see a great movie. I was looking to see a great Star Wars movie, and I really believe that's what I got.

I hope you get the same from it.
Thomas Ford 91
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Saw TFA Saturday morning with two 7 year old boys. Loved every minute of it. One of my favorite movies. But, I also enjoy the prequels and I like 3D, so take that for what it is worth. Will see with my 4 year old daughter in 3D this week, then again with my son in 2D. if I can get away, might try to see it by myself in the next few weeks.

As for Rey's sudden mastery of Force powers, I like to believe the Force dream downloaded (or unlocked) a lot of information into her subconscious, giving her knowledge that could be triggered when needed. Pre-Force dream, Rey would not have tried Jedi mind tricks.

So far, I don't like the novelization by Foster. So bland. Finn's dialogue is written like he's a character on Downton Abby. I wish Luceno or Stover could have done it. Coming from a guy that has read the book for just about every movie he's seen over the last 40 years, I think Stover's ROTS novelization is one of the best. I recommend it even if you hate ROTS.
The Collective
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Well, I made plans to take my mom to dinner a few weeks ago, and I told her that we could find something fun to do when it got closer. I called her last night to ask what she wanted to do this Wednesday, and she asked if I would go see Star Wars with her. She knew I had already seen it, so she kept saying, I understand if you don't want to see it again... I just played it off that I could sacrifice. She had zero interest in the prequels. I'm not even sure that she saw them, so this could be a word of mouth thing or just interest in the original cast for her. I went online to get tickets just now, and we picked up the last seats left for the optimal time that weren't first 2 rows.
Zombie Jon Snow
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What's interesting to me is that Rey exhibits all the qualities I would expect from a child of Han and Leia, while Kylo is nothing like I would expect from the son of Han and Leia.

children often surprise and/or disappoint......

mine for example in a good way - while everyone else in the family is pretty much technical or a teacher or in medicine my two kids are artistic. one is a writer and the other is an actress. nobody else anywhere in our families went the artistic route.

sometimes the kids are a crazy combination that exhibit little of their parents.


I don't think the big mystery is who Rey's father is, I think it is who her mother is. And I think that will be the emotional story of conflict or showdown.

I mean you already have Kylo killing Han there is no redemption there....and we've perhaps foreseen an ultimate showdown between Rey and Kylo but what drives Rey? Saving her mother perhaps or revenge for her mother.....so who could that be? Capt. Phasma who was captured perhaps by Kylo and brainwashed into the FO. Perhaps Luke does not even know she is still alive. Otherwise I don't think you have some motivation for why Rey keeps fighting and going after Kylo she wasn't like Luke where she always wanted to join the fight she was just being chased and ended up fighting to survive here. Anyway, perhaps something happens where she discovers Phasma's identity and tries to rescue her and enlists Luke's help or training and he may be reluctant before but because it becomes personal he agrees.

We'll see, just a guess based on more than just what we are given at face value....there has to be storyline behind it to drive Rey (imho).

Thomas Ford 91
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Where did Rey get that accent? If she is a Solo, it has to be from whomever raised her. I got the impression from the movie that Plutt raised her, but now I think that is incorrect. If she is a Skywalker, it might be from her mother. I don't recall that Tekka had that strong of an accent, but I can see how he might have stayed on Jakku to watch over her. "this will begin to make things right" could have meant reuniting the main character with her family.

If she was a Solo, Leia or Kylo would have known through the Force. Perhaps Kylo did know. I found it interesting that he interrogating Poe on the rack with his helmet on, but Rey was interrogated with his helmet off. I did miss the 5 minutes before the Rey/Kylo interrogation scene, so maybe it is explained.

The accent is important. JJA/LK kept it for a reason.
Line Ate Member
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I just saw TFA last night. Besides all of the other questions already posed here, I have a question about Maz (I apologize if it has been answered in the other 29 pages I have' been able to read yet.

She herself says that she can feel and sense the force. My question centers around her species/race. something about her makes me think of our favorite little green force wielding Yoda. Is this just crazy thinking that she and him are somehow connected/same species of alien. She didn't have the ears but the general stature and at that she talked and felt the force made me think of this.

I thought the movie was awesome. I can hardly wait to see how VIII shapes up. I am happy that Chewie was the one to injure Ren. Chewie has seen and lost so much.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Where did Rey get that accent? If she is a Solo, it has to be from whomever raised her. I got the impression from the movie that Plutt raised her, but now I think that is incorrect. If she is a Skywalker, it might be from her mother. I don't recall that Tekka had that strong of an accent, but I can see how he might have stayed on Jakku to watch over her. "this will begin to make things right" could have meant reuniting the main character with her family.

If she was a Solo, Leia or Kylo would have known through the Force. Perhaps Kylo did know. I found it interesting that he interrogating Poe on the rack with his helmet on, but Rey was interrogated with his helmet off. I did miss the 5 minutes before the Rey/Kylo interrogation scene, so maybe it is explained.

The accent is important. JJA/LK kept it for a reason.

Gwendoline Christie (Phasma) is also British btw.
The Collective
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If she was a Solo, Leia or Kylo would have known through the Force. Perhaps Kylo did know. I found it interesting that he interrogating Poe on the rack with his helmet on, but Rey was interrogated with his helmet off. I did miss the 5 minutes before the Rey/Kylo interrogation scene, so maybe it is explained.

Vader didn't know Princess Leia was his daughter... mainly because she didn't know her true identity. That could be the same issue at work here potentially. Of course, he also wasn't even aware that she existed which could be the explanation.
Brian Earl Spilner
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I've read every single post since my review last night and while I'm definitely sticking to most of my initial thoughts/critiques, I do admit that I've come around on a few others. I love talking this stuff out with you guys. I'm seeing it for a second time tomorrow night, this time with my family, and will report back with my impressions after another go-around.
IMO, the Entertainment and Outdoor boards are some of the best boards on TexAgs. Based on everyone I have talked to, on their second viewing the score was more noticeable and they seemed to enjoy it more.
Absolutely. I am really coming around on the music after the second viewing. May do a third viewing tonight.
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The accent is important. JJA/LK kept it for a reason.
IIRC the accent in Star Wars tends to signify whether someone is from the core or outer rim worlds. English accents are those of the core worlds. Since Luke obviously doesn't have that accent, I'm also inclined to believe it was learned from her mother when she was a child.

Neither Leia nor Han had an accent, so I'm less inclined to believe that Rey is some long lost daughter of theirs. Rather, I think Rey's mother is going to be the twist and Luke will be her father.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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I thought the movie was awesome. I can hardly wait to see how VIII shapes up. I am happy that Chewie was the one to injure Ren. Chewie has seen and lost so much.

I loved that point too because obviously Chewie knows Kylo is Han's son, but he's got no problem putting a few bowcaster bolts in him. LIFE DEBT, MOFO.

My only wish would have been for Chewie to go total Wookiee beserker and start ripping stormies apart with his bare hands, but still excellent moment for him.
Brian Earl Spilner
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This thread:

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I just have to say this:

My six year old IDOLIZES Han Solo. He has been his favorite character forever. He was sooo stoked when Han came on the scene. He and I high fived in the theatre.

I will never forget the look on his face when Kylo killed Han. He looked up at me and said, "Daddy, is Han Solo dead?"

And I said, "Yeah, buddy, he is."

My kid curled up in a ball on his theatre seat and cried for ten minutes. I totally had to go all dad-comfort mode and couldn't properly mourn myself.

My kid was DESTROYED by that scene. He still loves playing with his BB8/Poe/Rey Legos, but when asked, he says, "That was not a good movie."

Belton Ag
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I just have to say this:

My six year old IDOLIZES Han Solo. He has been his favorite character forever. He was sooo stoked when Han came on the scene. He and I high fived in the theatre.

I will never forget the look on his face when Kylo killed Han. He looked up at me and said, "Daddy, is Han Solo dead?"

And I said, "Yeah, buddy, he is."

My kid curled up in a ball on his theatre seat and cried for ten minutes. I totally had to go all dad-comfort mode and couldn't properly mourn myself.

My kid was DESTROYED by that scene. He still loves playing with his BB8/Poe/Rey Legos, but when asked, he says, "That was not a good movie."

I have a 6 year old girl who has the same feelings about Princess Leia. I'm glad I didn't have to go through that with her when we saw it.
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I'm going to riff off of that with two reasons why I think Rey is Luke's daughter.

Rey is told by Maz that those who left her are never coming back, but there is one who might. If Rey's mother is dead or First Order now, that is the person that won't come back. But perhaps Luke is her father and is the one who could come back, more emotionally than physically.

Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker have a natural talent for for fixing things and this point is really driven home in the novelizations (though not canon anymore). Rey is also very good at fixing things. She is certainly a Skywalker. Combined with point one above, I think Luke is her father.

We may not have met Rey's mother yet. We might meet her character in episode 8 but not learn it's her until episode 9. Or, it could be Phasma like some have said.
Brian Earl Spilner
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That would've been a perfect moment to see arms getting ripped off.
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