*** STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Spoiler Discussion/Reactions ***

405,960 Views | 2952 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by Philip J Fry
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Before actually seeing the Falcon, did Rey say it was a piece of junk? If so, I like that line because Luke said a similar thing the 1st time he saw it.
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that movie was borderline erotic the only thing that ruined it for me was the damn chollo woman sitting behind me that wouldn't shut up
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she said it was garbage I laughed because I immediately thought the same thing nice ode to the original
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I feel like he's just going to go bat**** crazy based on his angry outbursts
3rd and 2
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At the end of Return of the Jedi, the rebellion had a ton of capitol ships and space fighters and stuff. This time around, the resistance only had like a couple of dozen x-wings to go up against a death star the size of a planet. The republic didn't help out in the fight at all! What gives?
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I'm glad they didn't kill Kylo off. I liked his character and I feel like they can do a lot with him.
Gotta be setting him up for redemption in IX, yeah?

I honestly think we are gonna get something more complicated than that.

I loved Kylo Ren and Driver. Loved how whiny he was, it was perfect for his character. A mentally ill and obsessed young talent who has much to learn.
Lt. Joe Bookman
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I'm glad they didn't kill Kylo off. I liked his character and I feel like they can do a lot with him.
Gotta be setting him up for redemption in IX, yeah?

I'll be a little disappointed if they go that route.

Great movie though. Everyone knew Kylo was going to kill Han, but it still hit hard when you saw Han struggling to get the lightsaber.
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At the end of Return of the Jedi, the rebellion had a ton of capitol ships and space fighters and stuff. This time around, the resistance only had like a couple of dozen x-wings to go up against a death star the size of a planet. The republic didn't help out in the fight at all! What gives?

Uh they blew up the fleet.
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I'm glad they didn't kill Kylo off. I liked his character and I feel like they can do a lot with him.
Gotta be setting him up for redemption in IX, yeah?
That's the likely outcome IMO, but in all honesty I almost want him to be irredeemable... His story already copies Anakin's to a degree. I think it's time that Star Wars had a villain that can't be redeemed. As they have set it up pretty much Rey is the personification of the light side of the force, but Kylo/Ben is the dark side. He pretty much exemplifies how Yoda described the dark side in the PT. I'll also reflect on Rebels as well here, particularly the conversation between Ahsoka and Kanan at the end of Siege of Lothal:

"The fear, the anger, the hate... I haven't felt a presence like that since-"

"Since the Clone Wars."

I actually think a satisfying end to Kylo's story for me would be Rey killing him, and mirroring Han's death to some degree where he forgives her for doing so based on just how TFA went. I mean HE KILLED HAN! Not only that, but Anakin seemed somewhat remorseful over the Temple massacre specifically the younglings. Kylo seemed to almost be relieved that he killed Han.
3rd and 2
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At the end of Return of the Jedi, the rebellion had a ton of capitol ships and space fighters and stuff. This time around, the resistance only had like a couple of dozen x-wings to go up against a death star the size of a planet. The republic didn't help out in the fight at all! What gives?

Uh they blew up the fleet.
Really? I thought they just blew up a few republic planets.
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I loved it.

Sure, you can nitpick anything, but the overall movie was great. I will also say that my 10 year old daughter, who was already a SW fan, LOVES Rey. I'm not one to make a big deal out of diverse casting and all that, but it's cool to me that she's so pumped about Rey.

She also already thought Leia was cool too, so there's that.
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I'm glad they didn't kill Kylo off. I liked his character and I feel like they can do a lot with him.
Gotta be setting him up for redemption in IX, yeah?

I honestly think we are gonna get something more complicated than that.

I loved Kylo Ren and Driver. Loved how whiny he was, it was perfect for his character. A mentally ill and obsessed young talent who has much to learn.
Or, he goes mad with lust for power and takes down Snoke to be the new leader of the First Order.
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At the end of Return of the Jedi, the rebellion had a ton of capitol ships and space fighters and stuff. This time around, the resistance only had like a couple of dozen x-wings to go up against a death star the size of a planet. The republic didn't help out in the fight at all! What gives?

Uh they blew up the fleet.
Really? I thought they just blew up a few republic planets.
It was mentioned that the fleet was destroyed as well I believe. I can't remember if it was Ackbar (?) or Poe that mentioned it, but someone did mention that the fleet was pretty much destroyed because of the First Order's attack IIRC.
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At the end of Return of the Jedi, the rebellion had a ton of capitol ships and space fighters and stuff. This time around, the resistance only had like a couple of dozen x-wings to go up against a death star the size of a planet. The republic didn't help out in the fight at all! What gives?

Uh they blew up the fleet.
Really? I thought they just blew up a few republic planets.

Right. And that's where the fleet was.
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Or, he goes mad with lust for power and takes down Snoke to be the new leader of the First Order.
If my years of watching Star Wars TV shows and films has taught me anything, it's that the apprentice trying to surpass the master on the dark side of things doesn't work out. See Dooku in regards to Ventress and Maul in TCW. Maul and Savage being just absolutely owned by Sidious was one of the highlights of the series IMO.
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When's TC seeing it? Whatever happened to the floating hand in space/lightsaber being inside BB8? I thought that was almost a sure thing
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Yeah, I took it and the shot of the female wearing the uniform looking up screaming as that was kind of the naval headquarter base.
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I think it's pretty clear that Rey was hidden in the same way Luke was... Nobody except one knew. So if she is the daughter of Luke, not hard to imagine that Han and Leia don't know her... Or thought she was dead.

I will be reading the book for sure to see what details I can gather from it.
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I'm glad they didn't kill Kylo off. I liked his character and I feel like they can do a lot with him.
Gotta be setting him up for redemption in IX, yeah?
No. He killed Han, there is no going back this time. Vader went back, that'd be too stupid if Kylo did too.

this was them going full in 100% you will absolutely hate this guy for the rest of the series. We were scared of Vader, we'll hate Kylo. Kylo is vulnerable but skilled... he must be destroyed for what he did to Han.
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Rae's technical prowess was a bit surprising
Maybe she gets it from her grandfather - although I'm in the camp that thinks she might not be a Skywalker.

I loved this movie and still sitting here trying to digest it all. All the little homages to the originals were great IMO. When the lightsaber got stuck in the snow (Hoth cave scene), I really thought Luke was going to show up and force grab it away from Kylo.

So I'm assuming the Knights of Ren scene in Rey's vision was the attack on Luke's Jedi school? Guess we'll learn more about that extended group in VIII.
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Maybe Rey is Luke's granddaughter from a wild night in Anchorhead.
Red Five
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Movie was a 10/10 for me. Kylo Ren was way better than I was expecting.

My theory is that Rey is Luke's daughter and he trained her as a child but force-blocked her memories and hid her when Ben went Kylo. I'm sure other people have already said that on the thread, I didn't read it.
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I'm glad they didn't kill Kylo off. I liked his character and I feel like they can do a lot with him.
Gotta be setting him up for redemption in IX, yeah?
No. He killed Han, there is no going back this time. Vader went back, that'd be too stupid if Kylo did too.

this was them going full in 100% you will absolutely hate this guy for the rest of the series. We were scared of Vader, we'll hate Kylo. Kylo is vulnerable but skilled... he must be destroyed for what he did to Han.
So, whereas Vader was a flawed hero who fell from grace, Ren is simply a villain in search of power?
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We all know at some point Luke is going to tell Kylo that Darth went back to the light side, and Kylo is gonna absolutely have a meltdown.
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i think he hates his family. and the next one will be a hunt for uncle luke and cousin Rey. "This is a movie about family after all."

motivations for Kylo in this movie were good. motivations in the next one, other than...he wants power... will be tougher to crack. I hope they do it.

He killed Han. He stabbed first. There is no redemption. Han doesn't get to be one with the Force. He's not coming back. It's different than the Vader/Obi Wan kill. Find that fker, and kill him.
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I'm glad they didn't kill Kylo off. I liked his character and I feel like they can do a lot with him.
Gotta be setting him up for redemption in IX, yeah?
No. He killed Han, there is no going back this time. Vader went back, that'd be too stupid if Kylo did too.

this was them going full in 100% you will absolutely hate this guy for the rest of the series. We were scared of Vader, we'll hate Kylo. Kylo is vulnerable but skilled... he must be destroyed for what he did to Han.
The weird thing is, I don't hate Kylo. I pity him. The kid lost his way. When he asked for Han's help, he meant "let me kill you because you are the only thing tempting me back into the light." Without this temptation, I wan't Kylo to go full Dark and become a badass, yet I also hope there is a chance for redemption, even if it doesn't happen.
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I think it's pretty clear that Rey was hidden in the same way Luke was... Nobody except one knew. So if she is the daughter of Luke, not hard to imagine that Han and Leia don't know her... Or thought she was dead.

I will be reading the book for sure to see what details I can gather from it.
I am thinking about reading the book as well. I also tend to think that Rey was hidden in the same manner Luke was, but perhaps by Luke this time. Based on the voice in the flashback sequence, I'm guessing that Lor San Tekka was the one holding Rey's arm. Except, Tekka never to got tell Rey who she is and where she came from before ending up on Jakku like Kenobi did with Luke.

I'm going to guess that roughly 20 years had passed since Rey ended up on Jakku. That's a lot of time for her to grow and look different enough that Leia and Han might not know it was her, if they even knew she was alive. But, the impression I get is that Luke pretty much disappeared without telling anyone. This leads me to suspect that if anyone knew that Luke had a child, that they thought she was dead with the rest of his students.

So possibly, the last person to see Luke before he disappeared was Tekka before Rey found him in TFA. Which makes me wonder as to their relationship, and why Luke would trust him so much.
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Would Leia not be able to sense the presence of a blood relative? Maybe she knows and isn't letting on?
Red Five
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If she hasn't had any training, it's not super likely she would recognize it even if she was feeling it through the force.
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Would Leia not be able to sense the presence of a blood relative? Maybe she knows and isn't letting on?
She only felt Luke after being near him and around him for a prolonged period of time.
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Possibly mentioned earlier, but that moment in the first sequence when Kylo Ren stops Poe's shot using the Force...damn. Audio there was fantastic too.
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i think he hates his family. and the next one will be a hunt for uncle luke and cousin Rey. "This is a movie about family after all."

motivations for Kylo in this movie were good. motivations in the next one, other than...he wants power... will be tougher to crack. I hope they do it.

He killed Han. He stabbed first. There is no redemption. Han doesn't get to be one with the Force. He's not coming back. It's different than the Vader/Obi Wan kill. Find that fker, and kill him.
I think Marsuvees said it best honestly, Kylo views the Jedi/the light side of the force in the same manner that the dark side is normally regarded. Except, as opposed to when Anakin said that the Jedi were evil in ROTS while battling Kenobi, I believe that he truly believes that.

Kylo hated/disliked Han so much, that even though his own father was willing to try and help him and do whatever he could to he still killed him. Kylo pretty much is a psychopath. At least with Vader/Anakin while he was drunk on the dark side, he still had some reason and didn't completely destroy rooms in his rage. Sure he destroyed the room in ROTS, but that was out of grief.
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When Kylo is interrogating Rey, he reads her mind. He says, "I see an island in middle of blue sea" or something similar. That sounds like where Luke was hiding to me.
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Would Leia not be able to sense the presence of a blood relative? Maybe she knows and isn't letting on?
She only felt Luke after being near him and around him for a prolonged period of time.
Yep. This would explain why she would be able to feel Han's death because of her connection with him.
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I think him killing Han is going to set him up to just go completely crazy in the next set of movies. I wonder what reaction Luke will have when he finds out Han is dead.
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