*** STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Spoiler Discussion/Reactions ***

406,007 Views | 2952 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by Philip J Fry
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Wait a second, I thought this was in the film. Rey was cleaning her scavenged parts, stopped, looked at the old woman, then continued on about her business. Am I wrong?

The sequence from the trailer where it cuts from that scene to the ship taking off happens later when she is at her AT-AT eating and see watches the ship take off and she puts on the pilot helmet IIRC.

Edit: beaten by BES.
Brian Earl Spilner
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This is the one I can't figure out. Why film this if it's not gonna be used? It's especially strange considering Leia and Maz never meet. Maybe a scene being saved for VIII?
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thinking the same thing
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Maybe it's just me, but the idea of a Tarantino film (a main episode at least) doesn't appeal to me. At all.
Brian Earl Spilner
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I can buy this, but again, a plot point should never require this much outside explanation...

Entertainment Weekly / "J.J. Abrams explains R2-D2's closing scene in Star Wars: The Force Awakens"
I truly believe he's lying his ass off to prevent giving confirmation of the obvious regarding Rey
I really hope that's the case.
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if you look closely at the Knights of Ren, Kylo is holding Luke's saber.
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You remember the teaser trailer for the 2009 Star Trek? Absolutely none of the ship being constructed was used in the film at all as far as I recall. I'd say JJ isn't above shooting footage specifically for trailers. In this case likely for misdirection.
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So was this one.
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Maybe it's just me, but the idea of a Tarantino film (a main episode at least) doesn't appeal to me. At all.
Yeah. No one wants that. It was just a fan throwing a fake script reply at Rian's real one. I laughed, anyway
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For what it's worth, this just didn't happen on screen. We saw Finn and Rey both react to it occurring though. I have to admit, I'm a little confused as to how he made it out of there and was able to confront them quickly.
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yes...well she could have come in with BB8 the first time...they drug it out. it didn't tick me off...but it requires more explanation the way they did it....which was odd because they revealed all kinds of other stuff just at the drop of a hat (ohh this kylo, han and leia's son...oh ok....oh the millenium falcon was stolen by this guy, then that guy, then this guy....oh uh here's a light saber of luke's in a chest no explanation at all).

She wasn't there the first time. She was captured by Ren.
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If Rey isn't Luke's daughter, someone has to be his kid.

Total speculation, but if it's a story of the Skywalkers, Luke needs a kid. It can't just be Kylo.
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  • What I was pointing out in the Rey shot is that I think it cuts before she half-smiles. I may be wrong, though.

  • As for the Knights of Ren, the wider/higher shot of that same scene is used, but not that close up.

  • Maz handing the lightsaber to Leia is obviously from a version of the film where the lightsaber is more of a McGuffin than it is in the final version. Just so you guys know, nearly every movie ever has made changes in some way during post-production. Abrams wrote and shot the movie with one particular story in mind for the lightsaber, but then decided to change it in post-production. That's why a lot of movies feel incomplete or like parts were skipped - because you never fully know how your story plays until see you that first cut edited.
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If Rey isn't Luke's daughter, someone has to be his kid.

Total speculation, but if it's a story of the Skywalkers, Luke needs a kid. It can't just be Kylo.
Especially not with the worldview that Kylo holds on the dark side being the true way.
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For what it's worth, this just didn't happen on screen. We saw Finn and Rey both react to it occurring though. I have to admit, I'm a little confused as to how he made it out of there and was able to confront them quickly.
Exactly. That's why I said these are cut shots, not cut scenes.
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If Rey isn't Luke's daughter, someone has to be his kid.

Total speculation, but if it's a story of the Skywalkers, Luke needs a kid. It can't just be Kylo.
Especially not with the worldview that Kylo holds on the dark side being the true way.

I suppose Finn could be his and Luke got jungle fever.
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So Phasma got the kid when they separated? That must have been one hell of a divorce.
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Ah, well I have to say I think that it worked better with how it is done in the film. The shock/horror of Finn and Rey sells the scene at seeing him surprise them.
80s Guy
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I still want to believe that Kylo and Rey are brother and sister, ala the Jason/Jaina storyline from all the post ROTJ novels.

Someone earlier made a comment about how Rey could have been at the Academy with Luke when Kylo went off reservation and had her memory wiped in an attempt to hide her from Kylo and let Han and Leia think she had died.
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I still want to believe that Kylo and Rey are brother and sister, ala the Jason/Jaina storyline from all the post ROTJ novels.

Someone earlier made a comment about how Rey could have been at the Academy with Luke when Kylo went off reservation and had her memory wiped in an attempt to hide her from Kylo and let Han and Leia think she had died.
The problem is that there is zero mention by Leia or Han about having lost a daughter. They both lament over the loss of Kylo/Ben to Snoke, but when they are talking to each other make no mention about the cause of their separation being because of losing a daughter at Kylo's hand. I think that would probably warrant a higher mention for the cause of their splitting than Kylo's betrayal of Luke and the academy.
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Episode VIII:

"Rey...*I* am your mother"
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For what it's worth, this just didn't happen on screen. We saw Finn and Rey both react to it occurring though. I have to admit, I'm a little confused as to how he made it out of there and was able to confront them quickly.
Exactly. That's why I said these are cut shots, not cut scenes.
Not sure what you mean...

Brian Earl Spilner
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At this point, it would be a bigger reveal if she WASN'T a Skywalker.
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He means the actual sequence of Kylo walking through the forest to confront Rey and Finn, then igniting his saber.
80s Guy
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Maybe so, but what if the loss of the daughter at the hands of the son was the final metaphorical dagger in the relationship? They have had +- 20 years to deal with that loss and are still dealing with seeing their son reeking havoc on the galaxy in a race to find Luke.

I don't know but it is fun to think about it!
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At this point, it would be a bigger reveal if she WASN'T a Skywalker.
"No. I am NOT your father"

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At this point, it would be a bigger reveal if she WASN'T a Skywalker.
One of the other theories that I think I would favor personally is that Rey is a descendant of Kenobi, but not his direct daughter. The only problem I have with that is that it kind of flies in the face of everything we knew about Kenobi as he held to the dogma of the Jedi. I mean in TCW he chose the order over being with one of the other characters prior to the audience meeting the other character.
jackie childs
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I still want to believe that Kylo and Rey are brother and sister, ala the Jason/Jaina storyline from all the post ROTJ novels.

Someone earlier made a comment about how Rey could have been at the Academy with Luke when Kylo went off reservation and had her memory wiped in an attempt to hide her from Kylo and let Han and Leia think she had died.
The problem is that there is zero mention by Leia or Han about having lost a daughter. They both lament over the loss of Kylo/Ben to Snoke, but when they are talking to each other make no mention about the cause of their separation being because of losing a daughter at Kylo's hand. I think that would probably warrant a higher mention for the cause of their splitting than Kylo's betrayal of Luke and the academy.
i don't think that's a huge problem though...it's not like leia and han had a ton of interaction in this film and it makes perfect sense that in their limited exchanges, they might discuss the child that is still currently alive and could (theoretically) be saved.
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Finally have a bit of a break so I thought I'd visit the thread for my review, which is not a review, just the things that I really liked about the Force Awakens. Trying to decide if I should take my super-fan. She'll have to close her eyes for sure when Han gets it.

30 Favorite Things about The Force Awakens

1. "Luke Skywalker has vanished" - was almost like reading fan fic, except I was in a packed theater. As my brother said halfway through the scroll, "at this point in the phantom menace, all we had were embargoes and tariffs."
2. Max von Sydow - like a lot of people I was immediately angry I didn't know who he was or why he knew Leia, but then I realized, who cares? She's allowed to have allies we haven't met before. His line about royalty was awesome.
3. Poe's X-Wing - just reinforcing the use of CGI vs. practical effects. There his X-wing, and it's real.
4. Poe Dameron is a total bad-ass without one microbe of Force ability. When's the last time we met someone like this? Jango Fett, to a degree, but the real answer is Han Solo. There wasn't a single person this capable in the prequels that wasn't a Jedi. Poe can shoot, he can fly, he talks sheet, and he's a bit of a diplomat.
5. Kylo Ren stops Poe's sniper bolt with the Force. 5 minutes into the movie and we've got a legitimate new use of the Force, something that NEVER happened in the prequels, unless you count "Force Speed" which Obi/Quigon used one time in the first 5 minutes of TPM, but never again.

6. Poe talking noise at Kylo about "who talks first". Loved it. No one would talk to Vader that way because his reputation preceded him. Kylo Ren not so much, especially if you knew he was the Solo kid who turned bad.
7. John Boyega's body language in his armor. How many times have we watched stormtroopers run and shoot and fall down? A lot; but he plays it so we know he's scared, he's confused, and he doesn't want to be there.
8. Two guys, one TIE fighter. It's got a back seat!
9. Rey sliding down the sand on a piece of cardboard. Loved what a simple fix that is in a world of technology.
10. The AT-AT. My 67-year-old dad said "Oh, WOW!" when they pulled back on it. Loved his reaction.

11. Kylo's first temper tantrum. Something they should have had Anakin do in the prequels.
12. The Millenium Falcon reveal and the audience reaction to it.
13. Han Solo talking his way out of the 2 pirate group situation, or trying to anyways. Fantastic, and a part of the movie I knew nothing about going in. Exactly the kind of thing I'd expect to see him doing throughout his life, with Chewie sort of shaking his head along the way.
14. Han's reaction to Rey/Finn bringing up Luke. Hell, just hearing Han SAY "Luke". I know nobody from a Star Wars movie is going to win an Oscar for acting, but tell me Harrison Ford doesn't deserve SOMETHING for the work he put into this film.
15. Han's continued use of "Big Deal" to describe Finn throughout the movie.

16. Maz calling Chewie her boyfriend, laugh out loud funny.
17. Rey suddenly in the hallway of Cloud City where Luke fought Vader. I sat up straight in my seat and GASPED at that happening, so taken aback that I missed most of the rest of the flashback, particularly the audio of Obi-Wan and Yoda talking. I can't wait to see it again solely to hear what I missed.
18. Han using Chewie's bowcaster, and asking to use it again. Total Han, very funny.
19. Hux and Ren snipping at each at each other. Hux isn't afraid of Ren. He's written the way Moff Jerjerrod originally was in ROTJ
20. Han telling Leia "I saw our son." So heart-breaking

21. 3PO's re-introduction and acting like Han might not remember him. Fantastic.
22. Ackbar!
23. Han/Leia's exchange before he leaves. Thought it was wonderful, and exactly what you'd expect of them trying to make things work after the events of the original trilogy. She's all about duty, he's all about self-preservation. Even in love, there's no way that one or the other could bend enough to change their entire life and be happy in the other's world.
24. Chewie hugging Princess Leia at the reunion. I know people are griping that they didn't hug after Han's death, but I don't really care. This moment for me was Peter Mayhew hugging Carrie Fisher and felt very, very real.
25. Kylo Ren's inner conflict, calling Vader's helmet grandfather, this dude is effed up.

26. Kylo's early reveal taking his mask off for Rey. Unexpected but awesome.
27. You... you're afraid... that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader!
28. The look on Han's face when he decides to go after Kylo. He knows he shouldn't. It's against his every instinct of survival. He knows he's going to die then and there, but he made Leia a promise. It is perhaps the most heart-breaking moment of all 7 movies for me.
29. Han and Leia named their son Ben. I don't know that doesn't choke you up.
30. I saw Luke Skywalker in a movie on Friday, and the look on his face broke my heart.

Thank you for a post about what's GOOD in this movie.
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i don't think that's a huge problem though...it's not like leia and han had a ton of interaction in this film and it makes perfect sense that in their limited exchanges, they might discuss the child that is still currently alive and could (theoretically) be saved.
Right, but they made a point to mention that Kylo turning to Snoke being a reason for their split. To not mention having lost another child because of that is just odd IMO.
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The X-wings flying over the water happened:

So did the one of Kyle in the rain with what I assume are the Knights of Rain, during the force vision

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I don't get all the complaints, really. I had some stuff I was trying to figure out, but no major complaints about the movie.

I mean as far as the future of the series goes, I thought this movie was just awesome. Kylo Ren is one of, if not the best, characters force characters introduced in the series so far. Say what you want about the film, but they were able to tell us so much about his personality, training, willpower, self-control, etc., without dialogue. It was all there in his temper tantrums, worshiping of Vader, and interactions with Rey. It was very, very cool.
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BTW, this just reminds pic of the Knights of Ren reminds me of a gang straight out of an anime like Akira or something. It's been bugging me since we saw it the first time. I mean a guy looks like he has a bat, another a giant ax, another with a gun/rifle, etc. I get the impression that the Knights of Ren aren't force sensitive like Kylo is. Instead they all have a particular special weapon that they use.
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Wasn't a bat. I'm fairly sure it was this halbred, based on the headpiece of the guy that gets killed:


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Guys, TC means the exact shots that were seen in the trailers. The ones you guys are bringing up are not the same shots. They are different camera angles and takes, albeit of the same scene in the film
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