*** STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Spoiler Discussion/Reactions ***

405,970 Views | 2952 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by Philip J Fry
Bruce Almighty
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I give this movie a 6/10. It was ok, but most of the hype it's getting is because it's being compared to the prequels, which were three of the worst movies in the history of cinema.

This is 100% wrong

You're entitled to your opinion, even if I believe it is unequivocally wrong.
Universal critical acclaim, an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the movie on this thread,a franchise that is loved by millions of people and has made more money than any media franchise in the history of the world but the hype is all because of the prequels. Oh, The Phantom Menace had just as much, if not more hype than this movie but I guess it was just being compared the Star Wars Christmas Special.

Playing the popularity card isn't going to get you anywhere. I believe 95% of people, including moviegoers and critics, are basically ******ed and easily deceived. There are certainly instances where something is popular because it is legitimately a work of art, but more often than not, that isn't the case and I don't believe it's the case here. The best adjective to describe this movie would be "acceptable." It's that, and no more. I never said it's a bad movie, but it is FAR from great.

Oh I see. Because you don't agree with everyone else, we're all wrong on our opinions of the movie and as you say, just a bunch of ******s.

No, I just made a general statement. I certainly did not specifically call you and the others on this thread a bunch of ******s. Surely you understand the difference.
You said 95% of the people are ******ed and easily deceived. Unless this board makes up the other 5%, you are calling people on this board ******ed moviegoers.
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It's one thing to give it a 6/10, another to call everyone else idiots and the original trilogy the worst films in history.
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It's one thing to give it a 6/10, another to call everyone else idiots and the original trilogy the worst films in history.

The hell are you smoking? I said the PREQUELS (1, 2, and 3) were 3 of the worst in history.
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Yeah, that does really suck. Hoping he's lying about it to conceal that R2 also knows who she is.
Buck Compton
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This thread devolved quickly...
Ag Since 83
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Agreed. In the short term, at least, I think the Luke/Rey answer would have been more satisfying.
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Was it Coruscant? I remember thinking that and then when it showed the planet from space, it didn't look like it.

If they destroyed Coruscant. they killed trillions of people.

No, they gave some other name for the system. I thought it was Coruscant at first until they mention it later.
Brian Earl Spilner
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I have a theory.

I think Supreme Leader Snoke is actually Darth Plagueis. Smoke appears to be extremely old and looks like he has been through hell. Palpatine thought he killed his master but admitted that his Plagueis had discovered the ability to create life and avoid death.

This may be far flung to let me flush out.

Plagueis was the hand behind the Clone Wars and the rise of the empire. Palpatine was the face and ultimately turned on his mentor to take full control of the Empire. Before he took full control Palpatine "killed" his master and took to turning Darth Vader.

However, through his own words (in movies) his master Darth Plagueis had been experimenting with the dark side of the force and had found a way to cheat death and create life. This story was not expanded upon and a key point in the turn to Vader.

The Star Wars story is one of the Skywalker family. A family that by all accounts started from a child of the force born to a virgin mother. Could it be that Plagueis through his experimentation with the dark side of the force created Anikan (unknowingly), thus setting the stage for a much more dynamic storyline in VIII and VIX.

1) Plagueis starts the plan to infiltrate and overthrow the republic with Palpatine.
2) Plagueis through his experimentation creates a child through the power of the force. The child is born to the force, equal parts light, equal parts dark. The child is born without intervention from either side and allowed to let faith decide his ultimate path.
3) Palpatine overthrows Plagueis and assumes control of the Republic then Empire with the "chosen one" created by the Force.
4) Anikan has children continuing the "Skywalker lineage" still being equal parts light/dark.
5) The light prevails over Palpatine at the end of episode 6 and everyone is happy.

6) 20+ years pass and Leia has kids further continuing the Skywalker lineage. Ben (50/50 light/dark) is training with Luke when he is approached by Plagueis with the origin of the Skywalker family and the true intent of his creation of Darth Vader. Ben is turned to the dark to carry out the purpose of Darth Vader.

The one part I'm not sure about is Rey. She appears to be extremely Force sensitive but doesn't appear to portray the pitfalls (anger, emotion) that the Skywalker clan has fallen to. She may well be Luke's daughter and after Bens turn Luke realizes the true fate of the Skywalker family and Rey is sent into exile for the sake of the Galaxy...
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Here's my prediction. We KNOW Rey will eventually be trained by Luke. I wonder how much of VIII is Rey having to convince Luke to train her?
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Everything about the prequels was such spectacular ****. I don't get why people are trying to shoehorn in a character who was mentioned once in them into the new films.
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Bc I do not think Snoke is just a new creation out of the blue. I think JJ was so focused to tie into the previous 6 that this is actually an easy setup, with strong storyline.
Brian Earl Spilner
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This theory has been discussed for a few months now. I think it's entirely possible.
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I guess that will mostly depend on why Luke removed himself from the Galaxy. Outwardly we know that it was to go to the original Jedi temple and meditate on his past and future actions, but inwardly, he could be giving up hope. I wonder if the convincing isn't for her training as much as it is convincing him to fight again. That look he had at the end had so many emotions in it, so who knows?
Brian Earl Spilner
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Everything about the prequels was such spectacular ****. I don't get why people are trying to shoehorn in a character who was mentioned once in them into the new films.
Because they're all canon, whether people want to accept it or not. And the story of Plageius was a damn good one.
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It was certainly a haunted, almost depressed look.
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I read a bunch of interesting thoughts on that.

Just a couple...

1) He himself had to kill multiple former students that were turned and then guilt-ridden disappeared
2) Knew that there would be an appropriate point in the future that the next Jedi would find him and need to train
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Plus, if they do pull from canon and take a character with a story that was introduced in film, and who has background available in print, the screenwriters don't have to spend a ton of screen time fleshing out the character. Plagueis makes more sense than something completely unknown.
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It was certainly a haunted, almost depressed look.

Agreed. I walked away from the theatre feeing that Luke didn't want this day to come. It would also fit with the younger character we knew that would succumb to frustration and quit.
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I'm a prequel hater. If they say that Snoke is really Darth P, I'm fine with that. If they try to treat it like some sort of big huge plot twist, it will fall way flat with me.
Brian Earl Spilner
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I doubt they would treat it as a plot twist, they'd probably treat it like they did Kylo Ren's lineage. It's an interesting reveal but not something that is meant to be a big, shocking, climactic moment like say "I am your father".

They'd probably have to have him or Luke lay out what happened with him and Palps, since just revealing him as Plagueis wouldn't mean that much to casual viewers.

The real shocker would be if he reveals he really did create Vader.
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It's one thing to give it a 6/10, another to call everyone else idiots and the original trilogy the worst films in history.

The hell are you smoking? I said the PREQUELS (1, 2, and 3) were 3 of the worst in history.
You did.

You also said that basically everyone but you is ******ed and easily deceived. No idea how folks might take offense to that.
Buck Compton
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Screenwriters will have to spend almost as much time... He was mentioned once or twice in prequels.

Also, there was a line in the movie talking about all the evil that Maz (I think) has seen. She mentioned the Sith as being separate from the new evil (Snoke). She obviously isn't all-knowing, but that indicates to me that the new villian is not a Sith, just a new, yet equally powerful, dark side user. I prefer the mystery of the latter more.
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Luke didn't leave the map for people to find him, nor did he tell anyone he'd be at the original temple, right? If I'm remembering correctly, everyone's best guess was that Luke went to this temple with an unknown location.

#1 might be right. A lot of guilt for failing Kylo, his students, etc. #2 is more up in the air because that theory treads into prophecy fulfillment, and nothing as of yet points to a known force vision Skywalker had. Skywalker feels somewhat like Yoda, but Yoda's purpose for exile was purposeful and fleshed out pretty well in the prequel
M.C. Swag
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My issue with people who criticize Ep. 7 is that they seem to do it outside of the Star Wars prism. Do they not realize that the original trilogy had HUGE flaws? I don't see how anyone could like ROTJ and dislike this?Questionable dialogue, awkward pacing, shoddy acting...all of those existed and in spades in 4,5 and definitely 6. Despite these flaws, people loved them. (I know I do)

Star Wars isn't special for being perfect. They are special for the scope, characters, and music. They resonated with a generation of people.

Episode 7 was campy. It was dark. It was emotional. It was action packed. It gave me everything I wanted. It wasn't a great movie. But it was a great Star Wars movie.
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I must have missed that from Maz. That shoots a pretty large hole in that idea.

I do like this new dynamic with Snoke though - where he's not looking for craft a master of the dark side as much as he's trying to mold a balanced force user.
Buck Compton
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I must have missed that from Maz. That shoots a pretty large hole in that idea.

I do like this new dynamic with Snoke though - where he's not looking for craft a master of the dark side as much as he's trying to mold a balanced force user.
I'm trying to remember when it was. It might have been Leia if not Maz. Definitely a female voice I remember in my head though. Anyone who watches again, report back if you hear it.
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Everything about the prequels was such spectacular ****. I don't get why people are trying to shoehorn in a character who was mentioned once in them into the new films.

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I was just thinking about that. How ridiculous is it for people to demand that more story be fleshed out in these movies? Did they not see and enjoy A New Hope? I mean we didn't really know jack about Obi-Wan or Yoda's backstories, and no one cared.
The Collective
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It was certainly a haunted, almost depressed look.

Sure he had just felt Han's death as well, and I bet that sucked.
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My issue with people who criticize Ep. 7 is that they seem to do it outside of the Star Wars prism. Do they not realize that the original trilogy had HUGE flaws? I don't see how anyone could like ROTJ and dislike this?Questionable dialogue, awkward pacing, shoddy acting...all of those existed and in spades in 4,5 and definitely 6. Despite these flaws, people loved them. (I know I do)

Star Wars isn't special for being perfect. They are special for the scope, characters, and music. They resonated with a generation of people.

Episode 7 was campy. It was dark. It was emotional. It was action packed. It gave me everything I wanted. It wasn't a great movie. But it was a great Star Wars movie.
I'd even call it a really good movie on its own, unlike most scifi action we get these days it had heart, interesting characters, great action, great VFX, and pretty good acting overall. The fact that all this occurred in a Star Wars film that both did a great job carrying on the original story and makes up for some generally bad films a decade or so back make it a great movie.
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I must have missed that from Maz. That shoots a pretty large hole in that idea.

I do like this new dynamic with Snoke though - where he's not looking for craft a master of the dark side as much as he's trying to mold a balanced force user.
I'm trying to remember when it was. It might have been Leia if not Maz. Definitely a female voice I remember in my head though. Anyone who watches again, report back if you hear it.
It was Maz to Rey after Rey had her Force vision.
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Question: Do we know where the original Jedi temple is that Luke is allegedly searching for? Did we see it or hear about it in the prequels? Is it on that island that he's at now?
M.C. Swag
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I was just thinking about that. How ridiculous is it for people to demand that more story be fleshed out in these movies? Did they not see and enjoy A New Hope? I mean we didn't really know jack about Obi-Wan or Yoda's backstories, and no one cared.
EXACTLY! Not to mention the biggest plot hole in the ENTIRE star wars story existed in ANH. Do you know what I'm talking about? (The escape pod with the droids. Had the Empire simply shot down the escape pod, the entire trilogy is over. Like, was that the first time droids were ever evacuated? And how in the world did the Empire not locate them sooner? R2 and C3PO were moving about 3mph in the open desert lol)

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