Perhaps one of you learned folk can help me with my problem.
Recently, eco-nazis invaded my place of work and installed motion-detecting light switches on timers. The lights come on when you enter the room, but I recently discovered that they go off after fifteen minutes, leaving you to clean up by the light of your iphone and get out into the common regions of the bathroom to set the lights back on before somebody enters and discovers your shame in the dark.
I thought I had hit upon a solution by stapling a technical note to a yardstick, allowing me to wave it back and forth above the stall divider, but it was to no avail, as the sensor seems to focus on an elevation of approximately mid-torso. Also, I drew strange looks as I carried my feat of engineering into the bathroom.
I had hoped you would have read the entire thread and gotten some inspiration from the Post-It(R) Note and paperclip idea but my hope was in vain. Fellow Ags applaud your attempt to trick the light sensor.
Not having much to do today at work, what McGuyver-inspired possibilities can we send from the bling bathrooms of Houston to the capacious commodes in WV?
Evidently, during your Angry Bird sessions, there is no traffic in the bathroom to sustain or satisfy the sensor. Also, your yardstick and technical paper solution attracts too much unwanted attention. So, without worrying about trip hazards how to develop a solution that avoids embarrassment? The first is slightly faster to set up, so here goes.
You will need some stout thread like upholstery thread or perhaps some kite string - at least enough to go from the door/light switch/sensor to the throne of choice. Next you will need a Post-It(R) Note, the ones that are three inches square as well as some tape.
Take the sticky note and put it vertically along the edge of the light sensor's plate so that the majority of the note is over the sensor. The adhesive part should be applied so that it is nearer the stall. Tape the loose end of the string or thread to the sticky near the far edge away from the adhesive:
Pay out the thread as you stroll (or trot) to the stall of choice. When the lights go out, gently jerk the string after taking out the slack - think of the wings of a caged zebra finch or, for the Outdoors Board types, the lilt of a submerged bait/lure. Lights should come back on.
The great thing about Post-It(R) Note is that it is easy/fast to set up and you can yank and roll onto the spool of thread/string in case someone walks in. It all fits in to your pocket before and after and doesn't pose a trip hazard unless Mr. Puniverse works in your office.
In case the sticky note 'n' string method doesn't work, this second idea should work since the sensor will have something bigger waving in front of it. You can use the tape and string/thread but you'll need to plan ahead. Also, you might get even stranger looks than with the yard stick...
Granted it will take more time to set up Bozo the Bop Bag and I'll leave it up to your imagination on how to smuggle the rascal into the gents as well as hide him in your cubicle or men's room when not needed...
Good luck and Happy New Year!