Let's discuss wiping methods:
I think most of us are in agreeance that a grown man should not participate in a standing wipe move. While taking care of business, you don't want your head to be seen bobbing around from the people using the urinal. Not to mention when you stand, you run the risk of smearing the contents of your crack anymore than they potentially already are. The way I see it, that leaves two options:
1) Back to front. Pull up sack/junk, reach under, wipe. This is my personal preferred method.
2) Front to back. I've never done this, but I'm guessing you have to do such a maneuever by reaching your hand from the back and almost half stand up?
Also, do you check to see the cleanliness status of your crack by checking the TP post-wipe? I think this is a must. At what point do you look at the TP and determine that your crack is "clean enough" and pull up, wash your hands and go about your day? When it's a little brown, all white, or are you an OCD freak and wait until little spackles or red appear from your crack getting raw?
Discuss at will.