Forgot about what it was before the Ts showed up. At least I got the others right
The North, The Reach, The Vale, The Iron Islands, The Stormlands, The Westerlands, and Dorne were kingdoms.
Man I want to re-read the Duncan and Egg stories now. I love the pre-Robert's Rebellion history abd stories
But knowing this adds to my confusion about the Freys' and Boltons' motivation. As a reward for their loyalty to Tywin the Frey's get Riverrun and the Boltons get Winterfell. Seems like fleeting reward to me. Now that the Starks and Tullys are dead or at least out of power, shouldn't they be given the lord paramount title.
Three short stories, about 100 pages each. The Hedge Knight, The Sworn Sword, and The Mystery Knight. They actually don't talk much about the Pre-Targ era but they do talk a lot about the Blackfyres which is really great context for understanding Bloodraven and Bittersteel (who founded the Golden Company) as well as so much other context. Bloodraven (ie Three Eyed Crow) makes LF and Varys look like babes in the woods.
They don't hand hold because they don't have the time with only 10 episodes per season.
Also, RE:Jon Snow
I think it is highly likely that Jon Snow is the protypical fantasy ******* son who is really heir to the kingdom and also the chosen one, but thinking that is actually going to come to fruition in the storyline? No way will GRRM allow such a cliché, I think its much more likely its true just to foil whats really going to happen to him. Jon Snow the character might not ever even know, but GRRM will probably tell the audience all about it through Reed.
Stannis Baratheon, the rightful heir to the crown will end up on the iron throne after he crushes dany, aegon, and the lannisters.
I challenge anyone to come up with a plausible theory in which Stannis does not die as a result of Melisandre's incorrect prediction that he is Azor Ahai reborn.
I imagine he'll try to kill an other with 'Lightbringer', then realize he's been duped as the other rides him down with its massive snow spider.
i am kinda hoping he becomes new Lord Commander of the Nights Watch. Just think he ultimately, is the "perfect" fit for the role. He's a Commander, not a King.
but you are probably correct, in that he will likely be killed.
I challenge anyone to come up with a plausible theory in which Stannis does not die as a result of Melisandre's incorrect prediction that he is Azor Ahai reborn.
I imagine he'll try to kill an other with 'Lightbringer', then realize he's been duped as the other rides him down with its massive snow spider.
i am kinda hoping he becomes new Lord Commander of the Nights Watch. Just think he ultimately, is the "perfect" fit for the role. He's a Commander, not a King.
but you are probably correct, in that he will likely be killed.
quote:I have a hard time being excited since I consider that the biggest miss of the series. It was much more dramatic in the book and them leaving out the chain, which Tyrion pretty much started building months before on his second day of the job, was a major mistake.
The director for the "Battle of Blackwater bay" episode is back for a "battle" in the 2nd to last episode of the season, I think it will be the Stannis/Wilding battle.
It showed how damn smart he was.
I doubt they'll need to touch FfC/DwD
Also, while in the books they have big time gaps between what is going on with different characters they have haven't done as much in the show. If they wait until the end of the season to a show watcher it will come across as awkward to have them wait what will feel like months to have her re-emerge after what is only a few days. A lot of it depends on whether they add a scene of the "Kiss of Life" which I think they will or if they treat it like the books and just talk about it in past tense.
I think they achieved that with the wildfire, you see that he's capable of planning well in advance. Plus it makes for a cooler special effects.
I do agree that the chain in the book was awesome, but Stannis would have also had to attack on land too. If the whole attack was by sea then they'd be screwed by the chain as soon as they enter the bay.