Interesting. So you're assuming that Jaime delivers the "head" of Gregor to Dorne? I don't hate the idea, but it either eliminates or delays his little adventure in the Riverlands. Also, I wonder if he'll take the place of Aerys in some plot points (minus the whole dying thing).
Considering the liberties taken to altering the story this year, it makes sense that several story lines and characters will be combined or condensed. Just like the Bolton captain that assumed the role of Hoat for taking off Jamie's hand and later went to Craster's as a spy.
Arianne Martell was not mentioned in that article posted on confirmed new characters, but the Sand Snakes, Doran, and Aero are. Jamie being sent to Dorne could eliminate a good portion of the happenings in Dorne in ADWD. And maybe his entire romp through the Riverlands is being written out anyway. Brienne's path has been greatly skewed now that she knows Aria is alive. Further, Stoneheart may not ever appear in the tv series at all. I would not at all be surprised if HBO completely writes out the plot to seat Myrcella on the Iron Throne, which would be just as confusing as hell for non-book readers.
Basically, and it's just my perspective, the story-line in Dorne is compelling and interesting but not enough has really transpired to be of merit to overall story, yet. They want to kill Lannisters. Doran is playing it slow and safe. Quentin dead. The Viper is dead. IMO, at this point HBO just has to put the Dornish in a position to ally with a Targ invasion, whether that is Aegon/Connington, Dany, or all of the above.