***Official Game of Thrones: Season 4 Thread (BOOK READERS/SPOILERS ALLOWED)***

207,053 Views | 2149 Replies | Last: 10 yr ago by Twelfthman
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Just thinking about how glorious the fan tears would be if HBO completely went rogue and let Oberyn win, then have Tywin banish Tyrion.

Would be a fatal flaw. The Mountain's confession as he brutally crushes Oberyn is one of the best scenes.
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Toughest thing is Show watchers are far less patient than readers (who aren't real patient either).

I think whoever reads the books,accepting the fact that they will be waiting on GRRM to finish the series, is pretty d*mn patient. They just may not know it yet...
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I finally got around to reading the excerpt from TWOW titled MERCY. I do believe Arya is going to pick up quite a bit as a character. I liked the chapter and counting the days till the next book is released.
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Couldn't they play out the Viper's death, Tyrion escape, and setting up Jon's escalation on the black watch over the next 3 episodes and then commit the entire next season to defense of the wall, Arya, and Tyrion's travel?

I'd have to think that they could get at least four episodes out of the defense of the wall. Add in Daenerys' struggles as a leader which play a long time in the books, you might have enough content to get a whole season.

GRRM better get that next book out, and soon.

Try and make something idiot proof, and all they do is make a better idiot.

[This message has been edited by stick95 (edited 5/21/2014 8:37p).]
The Debt
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Anyone think we will see Valyria in the books? Im fairly optimistic.
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My cousin hosts a weekly youtube series sponsored by PBS titled "It's okay to be smart" He did a special on the science of Game of Thrones and discusses weather, valararn(sp) steel, hodor, dragons, the wall, hodor, and other. I know the seasons was discussed earlier on this thread.
Enjoy, subscribe, help him out so family get togethers can be even more exciting. If you're into science and smart stuff, really good youtube series.

marble rye
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Lena's tattoos:
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What am I looking at?
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Is that not the way that the mountain kills Oberyn, I could be mistaken as it has been awhile since I read the books.
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I'm still of the opinion that they should hold off Mance's attack until next season. Commit episode 9 to the fighting against Ygritte's faction. Mance's invasion could be the cornerstone of season 5, since the early AFFC/ADWD is missing the kind of focus and game-changing moments we've enjoyed from seasons 3 and 4.

Perhaps the giant crashing a gate will be a cliffhanger of sorts.
Boiling Denim
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Just thinking about how glorious the fan tears would be if HBO completely went rogue and let Oberyn win, then have Tywin banish Tyrion.

How awesome would it be to have Oberyn take over Quentyns story arc.

It would actually be half way believable that he could seduce Dany and only a character as bad ass as Oberyn should go out fighting a dragon.

I'd def support this mainly to take out the weak ass character of Quentyn. Only change required is Tyrion fleeing the city because he murders Tywin and not bc he broke out of prison
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How awesome would it be to have Oberyn take over Quentyns story arc.

It would actually be half way believable that he could seduce Dany and only a character as bad ass as Oberyn should go out fighting a dragon.

I'd def support this mainly to take out the weak ass character of Quentyn. Only change required is Tyrion fleeing the city because he murders Tywin and not bc he broke out of prison

Damn....i might be ok with that change. Love Oberyn and think Pedro Pascal has been nails in the role. I am not usually a fan of big deviations from the books, but that would be one i could get on board with.

that said, it doesnt solve how/why Tyrion would need to escape following the trial by combat. if Oberyn wins, then Tyrion wins. He wouldnt need to escape, unless by him winning Cersei goes for blood and trys to kill both, which necessitates them leaving KL under the cover of darkness
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Unless he is freed by varys then goes and kills Tywin and Shea.
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The Dog Lord
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How awesome would it be to have Oberyn take over Quentyns story arc.

It would actually be half way believable that he could seduce Dany and only a character as bad ass as Oberyn should go out fighting a dragon.

I'd def support this mainly to take out the weak ass character of Quentyn. Only change required is Tyrion fleeing the city because he murders Tywin and not bc he broke out of prison/

Damn....i might be ok with that change. Love Oberyn and think Pedro Pascal has been nails in the role. I am not usually a fan of big deviations from the books, but that would be one i could get on board with.

that said, it doesnt solve how/why Tyrion would need to escape following the trial by combat. if Oberyn wins, then Tyrion wins. He wouldnt need to escape, unless by him winning Cersei goes for blood and trys to kill both, which necessitates them leaving KL under the cover of darkness/

I have been praying for this for awhile. It would be extremely easy for them to use Cersei trying to kill Tyrion as his excuse for escape. Varys could still help him too since his little birds would know of the plot. They can even show it as his penance for testifying against Tyrion.

Seeing Oberyn with Dany would get people excited too. It could be seen as his way to continue getting revenge against the Lannisters by trying to bring Dany back to Westeros. Alas, I fear that he will die in the fight as he did in the book. It was a great moment.
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The whole Robert Strong storyline goes out the window with that too though and it would shift a lot of the storyline in Dorne. Just too many ripples. Hope they don't do it.
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Not if Loras Tyrell kills Gregor Clegane in a lovers' quarrel in one of Littlefinger's brothels.
Urban Ag
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so I watched the last episode last night. The scene with the Mountain chopping up all those guys, what the hell was that about? Granted, I was on a treadmill and couldn't hear it well, but did Cercei just gather up random losers for the Mountain to warm up on?
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Robert Strong would still be viable because Qyburn could simply take his body and turn him. If we are to believe you can turn a dying man into Frankenstein, then it isn't that much of a stretch to turn a recently dead man into the same.

That being said, I don't think they will change the story. I hate to see Oberyn die, but the smart money is on his death.

I'm curious as to exactly how they portray his death. Will Gregor gouge out his eyes and punch a hole in his head or will they stick to the overly large man snaps neck of normal sized man theme i.e. Locke, Biter.

[This message has been edited by LawAg05 (edited 5/22/2014 4:05p).]
The Dog Lord
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They don't have to change anything about Gregor. He can still stick him with a poisoned spear and let him die slowly. He could even say he would prefer that he die slowly instead of ending his suffering by finishing him. Hell that could even be how they STILL throw Tyrion in the dungeon. If Oberyn doesn't finish him off and just walks away, they could claim that Tyrion's champion didn't technically win. We still get the same result but with keeping Oberyn around to fill in for Quentyn.
The Dog Lord
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The scene with the Mountain chopping up all those guys, what the hell was that about? Granted, I was on a treadmill and couldn't hear it well, but did Cercei just gather up random losers for the Mountain to warm up on?

It could be that they were prisoners who asked for trial by combat, and he was simply who the crown had chosen to carry out their wishes one after the other (and yes maybe as a bit of exercise with real flesh for Gregor).
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I'm still of the opinion that they should hold off Mance's attack until next season.

Not happening. Episode 9 is the major wildling attack. Stannis shows up by the end of episode 9 and Jon is Lord Commander by the end of episode 10.

No question that's how it plays out.
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They don't have to change anything about Gregor. He can still stick him with a poisoned spear and let him die slowly. He could even say he would prefer that he die slowly instead of ending his suffering by finishing him. Hell that could even be how they STILL throw Tyrion in the dungeon. If Oberyn doesn't finish him off and just walks away, they could claim that Tyrion's champion didn't technically win. We still get the same result but with keeping Oberyn around to fill in for Quentyn.

I want you to write the episode.
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If you want Oberyn to survive to next season, have him win the fight, wring a confession from Gregor, and later murder Tywin. When Cersei learns Tywin has been killed, she will realize she's now in charge and use the opportunity to finally kill her brother, setting the stage for Tyrion to either flee before capture or escape the dungeon with the help of Varys or Oberyn.

This would help establish what's in store with a crazy Cersei in control, send Tyrion and on his way east, and allow Oberyn to the end the season by saying, "now that I've had my revenge, it's time to renew an old alliance between Dorne and the family of dragons," allowing him to replace Quentyn's lame story with a far better one.

Sadly, none of this will happen, Oberyn will die, and next season will be a notch below the rest,
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My cousin hosts a weekly youtube series sponsored by PBS titled "It's okay to be smart" He did a special on the science of Game of Thrones and discusses weather, valararn(sp) steel, hodor, dragons, the wall, hodor, and other. I know the seasons was discussed earlier on this thread.
Enjoy, subscribe, help him out so family get togethers can be even more exciting. If you're into science and smart stuff, really good youtube series.


Random, I watch that series all the time! Small world.
Urban Ag
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So I was re-reading some chapters from ASOS and ran in to a few notes of interest/foreshadowing.

When Jamie makes the decision to fight for his life after losing his hand, he tells himself that he can not die without Cercei. They must die together as they entered the world together. Could Cercei's death ultimately come at Jamie's hand?

Lord Mormont's dying words to Samwell Tarly were to find his son Jorah, tell him he is forgiven, and to take the Black. Could Jorah ultimately end up in the NW and possibly as the Lord Commander? Seems like a fitting end to one of them most conflicted/pained/tormented characters in the series.

Also, when all hell went down at Craster's pad, two of the older wives told Sam he must take Gilly and the baby boy away and somewhere warm. Then they tell Sam that "they" are coming soon for the baby and that "they" are Craster's sons, the boy's "brothers". Found that particularly noteworthy due to what was unveiled a few weeks ago on HBO.
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Good stuff!
Elliot P. Campbell
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They don't have to change anything about Gregor. He can still stick him with a poisoned spear and let him die slowly. He could even say he would prefer that he die slowly instead of ending his suffering by finishing him. Hell that could even be how they STILL throw Tyrion in the dungeon. If Oberyn doesn't finish him off and just walks away, they could claim that Tyrion's champion didn't technically win. We still get the same result but with keeping Oberyn around to fill in for Quentyn.

This would piss me off, tbh
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Agreed. Oberyn is motivated by vengeance, and to let the rapist/murderer of his sister go free, poisoned or not, would be out of character. As much as I would love for him to survive, bc his character is badass, it creates too many holes.
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I dont think there's any way they don't kill Oberyn, as much as it sucks (and sucked in the books)
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If you want Oberyn to survive to next season, have him win the fight, wring a confession from Gregor, and later murder Tywin. When Cersei learns Tywin has been killed, she will realize she's now in charge and use the opportunity to finally kill her brother, setting the stage for Tyrion to either flee before capture or escape the dungeon with the help of Varys or Oberyn.

This would help establish what's in store with a crazy Cersei in control, send Tyrion and on his way east, and allow Oberyn to the end the season by saying, "now that I've had my revenge, it's time to renew an old alliance between Dorne and the family of dragons," allowing him to replace Quentyn's lame story with a far better one.

No. Just, no. You can't just have Oberyn kill Tywin. Tyrion killing his father is huge. There's a major difference between Tyrion running for his life because his sister wants to kill him, and Tyrion running because he killed his father and Shae.
The Dog Lord
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Oberyn is motivated by vengeance, and to let the rapist/murderer of his sister go free, poisoned or not, would be out of character.

Not if the poison would kill him without question once it was in him. Some people would get way more satisfaction knowing someone was going to suffer before they died. That seems like something a cool and calm Oberyn might do.
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Oberyn was clearly not cool and calm right at the end of that ordeal.
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Yeah, he certainly was not.

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