That Ned dream sequences my favorite dialogue in the books
quote:OMG WTF
Uh, Season 5 is filming....
And look where they're shooting...
My first thought was oldtown, not tower of joy.
First, Tower of Joy is in Dorne. This looks the opposite of dornish.
The Tower of Joy[1] or tower of joy[2] was a round tower in the northern edge of the Red Mountains of Dorne.[2] It lay in the Prince's Pass,[3] with Kingsgrave to the south and Nightsong to the north.[4]
The Hightower is a castle and lighthouse in the port of Oldtown atop Battle Island. It is the seat of House Hightower, one of the most powerful families of the Reach.[1] According to a semi-canon source, the Hightower stands in the center of Oldtown, the city having grown around it. It is a massive stepped tower with a beacon on top to guide ships into port. It is one of the tallest structures in the Seven Kingdoms.[2] It is speculated by fans that it is one of the nine Wonders Made by Man written about by Lomas Longstrider.[3]