Melisandre is at the Wall currently and is POV. Bran is North of the Wall and POV.
That said, I can't imagine that was the end for Jon, just too many loose ends and too much that wouldn't add up.
I don't think Jon ever sits the Iron Throne though for many reasons. First off, he will either come back undead or warged in all likelihood and either would make it hard for him to be King. Second, the only person who could possibly verify his parentage are Howland Reed and he is an outcast amongst the people of Westeros so who would care or believe him? Third, Jon has no army and in order to win the Iron Throne he needs one. I just don't see who fights for him outside of maybe the wildlings but they aren't taking over Kings Landing. Finally, I just don't think that is what Jon wants. Nothing we have seen from him indicates he would want to rule as King down South. He's also an idiot and wouldn't be a very good King.
That said, I think Jon has an important part to play but think he also ends up dying before all is said and done. I also think he ends up marrying Dany because of the HOTU prophecy about a "blue flower in the Wall".
Who knows. Personally I am kind of worn out by Dany and Jon from Book 5, they just kept making one stupid decision after another. Any way you slice it though some big things have to shift in order to get to a resolution, just too many plots going different ways.
I would actually like for the Seven Kingdoms to go back to being independent, I think that is the only sustainable solution really. It makes no sense for Dorne, The North, The Vale, and the Iron Islands especially to be a part of the same Kingdom.