As we know, we don't have anything big to look forward to for the next season... maybe two
do you really think the tv writers are going to have NOTHING for the next TWO seasons? Cmon, guy.
Imagine telling these things to someone who only watches the show.
Tyrion, after murdering his own father with the help of Varys and Jamie, escapes across the narrow sea where he meets the apparent son of Rhaegar Targareyn. Oh, and he gets captured by Jorah Mormont, who has been exiled by Dany.
Mance Raydar is executed, but not really, and he gets involved in a daring rescue of Arya Stark (oops).
Arya Stark trains to be a bad ass across the Narrow Sea and bumps into Samwell Tarly.
We get to see the Citadel.
Janos Slynt gets ahead of himself.
If they include anything from Dorne or Pyke, you get the Kingsmoot, the plot to put Myrcella on the throne (which could be mega-expanded) or both.
Cersei accuses Margarey of knockin da' boots with someone not named Tommen or Ser Pounce, and they both end up getting arrested, stripped naked (yes please) and forced to stand trial.
Qyburn Von Frankenstein creates his monster.
Davos Seaworth is dead, then he's not, then he's off to save Rickon Stark and hopefully Lord Manderly gets to utter the best line of the series. "The north remembers, Lord Davos. The north remembers, and the mummer’s farce is almost done."
Look, I"m not sure anything can match the last 300-400 pages of ASOS, but that's still a lot of stuff that done with the right touches can be very entertaining TV, particularly with guys who know where each character's arc is headed.
Just god please, no quentyn martell