I know it's moot, I was just wondering 'out loud'
Back to the Eyrie, if Tyrion had died back then: the war erupts immediately. To keep Robert from siding with Ned, Cersei and Pycelle kill him. Joffrey ascends. Stannis, Renly, Dragonstone and the Stormlands side with the Lannisters (Melisandre would splinter the Baratheons from within). The Eyrie, the North, the Riverlands come together. Lady Olyena might go either way. The Martell uncle will sit and wait like always...
Back to the Eyrie, if Tyrion had died back then: the war erupts immediately. To keep Robert from siding with Ned, Cersei and Pycelle kill him. Joffrey ascends. Stannis, Renly, Dragonstone and the Stormlands side with the Lannisters (Melisandre would splinter the Baratheons from within). The Eyrie, the North, the Riverlands come together. Lady Olyena might go either way. The Martell uncle will sit and wait like always...
Why would Stannis side with the Lannisters? He still has every reason not to: He already believed Joffrey to be a *******, and his brother was killed. He would still stake his own claim to the throne.
You folks forget Tyrion's trial was like ep4. Far before Ned figured out the incest or before he sent the his findings to Stannis. The crown is still officially Baratheon with no one outside of the small council suspecting it.
The big key would be if Ned could get our of KL alive, if he does then the Lannisters are doomed. You would have the North, the Eyrie, the Riverlands, the Stormlands, and the Tyrells all against the Lannisters with the Iron Islands and Dorne staying out of it.
quote:When does LF openly advance his cause? Its always behind the scenes. Always. Plus his strategy is seeing everyone lose men, gold, and status, why gamble all three of his on a battlefield?
he could probably get the Vale to rally to attack the Freys.
quote:Why should he feel a special place in his heart for a rung on a ladder he steps on? By your logic he should love Joffrey & the Lannisters for making him Lord of Harrenhall; he so loved Joffrey.
On the other hand, I think he loves himself the most and the Freys sort of helped him achieve another step up the ladder.
What are the odds LF lays Sansa in show? Not this episode but in general
Stan Crowch
posted 8:56p, 05/18/14
prince oberon is going to kill it next week!