***Official Game of Thrones: Season 4 Thread (BOOK READERS/SPOILERS ALLOWED)***

207,072 Views | 2149 Replies | Last: 10 yr ago by Twelfthman
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Relative to some of the other characters mentioned as candidates for redemption (Theon, Jaime) Selmy is not in the same category. That is where my questioning came from. Those others are f_ckheads.
The Dog Lord
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I think Selmy also just wants to serve a good king/queen to his death. I don't believe he would ever accept a pardon or stop fighting for Dany like he did when Aerys was slain, because he cares about and believes in her more than he has anyone else. Rhaegar would have been the exception as well I think.
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I think Selmy is haunted by the fact the 3 KG at the Tower of Joy fought to the death knowing their cause was lost. He should have done the same or taken the Black as he knows his decision to be LC gave Robert credibility and tarnished his own legacy in his eyes. Thus he is hoping that staying with Dany he can redeem himself somehow.

I'd say Barristan is way up there with Cersei and Jaime in the "characters that most likely aren't going to live to the end of the books" category. I'd also put Ramsay Bolton pretty high on that list as well as Euron, Littlefinger, Lady Stoneheart, and Theon.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Found this on another site I frequent - just a prediction and scene by scene plot for the last episode:

1. The episode opens at The Wall. In the aftermath of the battle, Jon is helping to collect and burn the dead, including Ygritte. He is approached by Melisandre, who makes some cryptic pronouncements and then leads him to Stannis. Stannis explains his purpose for being at the Wall to Jon. He offers to legitimize him, making him Jon Stark, the Lord of Winterfell … if Jon will agree to bend the knee, leave the Night’s Watch, and support Stannis’s claim.

2. Cut to Arya and the Hound in the Vale. With the news of Lysa’s death and no promise of ransom, the Hound is despondent, and moving even slower than before due to his festering neck bite. As the two of them wonder what to do, they are set upon by some roving band (the Mountain clans? Knights of the Vale? Lannister soldiers? Freys?). They fight them off, but the Hound takes yet another serious wound.

3. Cut to King’s Landing. Tywin visits the grievously-wounded Mountain, who is being tended to by Pycelle and Qyburn. The two Maesters are bickering incessantly with one another. Pycelle insists that the Mountain is certain to die (of poison), but Qyburn hints that he has a highly unorthodox treatment that could potentially preserve the Mountain’s life. Tywin brushes off Pycelle and orders Qyburn to keep the Mountain alive by any means necessary.

4. Still in King’s Landing, cut to Tywin’s office. Tywin and Cersei are discussing the outcome of the trial by combat and its implications. Tywin comments that with Oberyn having been killed, the Dornish are going to be royally pissed. Cersei seizes the opportunity to suggest that they should bring Myrcella back to King's Landing, as it's no longer safe for her in Dorne (this potentially sets up what we know about the Dornish plot in Season 5 and what it might look like). Tywin shoots her down, arguing that Myrcella's engagement to Trystane Martell might be the only thing preventing Dorne from rising up in open rebellion against the Iron Throne. Cersei accuses him of using both Tommen and Myrcella as political pawns without regard for their welfare, and Tywin coldly rebukes her with one of his standard lines about putting aside selfish desires for the good of the Lannister family. Cersei isn't having it, though, and flips out on him, shouting "You'll fight over him like beasts until you tear him apart. I will burn our house to the ground before I let that happen!" Tywin orders her to leave, then sits back in his chair, brooding.

5. Cut to elsewhere in King’s Landing. A somber Ellaria Sand is preparing Oberyn’s body to be shipped back to Dorne. She is met by some member of the regular cast, who offers their condolences (this could be a good role for Margaery, who hasn’t had much to do in the second half of the season). Ellaria accepts the condolences, but strongly hints that Dorne will be seeking retribution for this injustice (possible mention of Doran and the Sand Snakes here).

6. Cut to the Vale. Arya and the Hound are attempting to navigate the treacherous terrain, but eventually the Hound is too weak to carry on. Feverish and grievously injured, he collapses. Arya attempts to rouse him, but the Hound knows that he’s dying. He weakly asks Arya if she “remembers where the heart is”, and then unbuckles his armor. An unexpectedly emotional Arya draws her sword to end his misery, but finds that she is unable to do it. Instead, she scavenges what possessions she can carry and abandons the Hound, leaving him calling weakly after her as she rides away. ALTERNATIVE: If the Hound truly has no further significant role to play in A Song of Ice and Fire (excluding his cameo at the Quiet Isle) then it’s possible that Arya might actually finish him off. A third option is that the Hound will simply succumb to his wounds on his own, and we’ll get conclusive proof (through Arya’s eyes or someone else’s, like Brienne) that he died.

7. Cut to the Wall. Jon is talking with Sam and whoever else among his other friends (Dolorous Edd, Grenn, and Pyp) survived the battle. They discuss the state of the Night’s Watch, and how with Alliser Thorne’s death (assumed from Episode 9), the role of Lord Commander will almost certainly fall to Janos Slynt (Note: this will likely be presented as a fait acompli rather than a deadlock featuring multiple candidates and multiple rounds of balloting in order to save on time). Jon mentions Stannis’s offer. Sam is adamant that Jon can’t forsake his vows and leave the Night’s Watch, but Jon is genuinely torn. He leaves to consider the matter privately. Sam and whoever else is present lament the possibility of losing Jon, but then Sam comes up with an idea.

8. Cut to a port town somewhere in the Vale. Arya arrives and finds a ship preparing to depart. She asks if she can pay the ship’s captain to take her to the Wall, but she doesn’t have enough money and the captain doesn’t want to go to the Wall anyway – it’s too cold and too dangerous. Arya is about to leave when she overhears the captain announce that the ship is bound for Braavos. Arya pulls out Jaqen’s coin, hands it to the captain, and whispers “Valar Morghulis”. The captain changes his tune completely, offering Arya passage and his own cabin for the voyage. Arya boards the ship. END of Arya’s story for the season.

9. Cut to Bran and his party North of the Wall. They’re attempting to make their way through a blizzard. As they struggle along, they spot the Weirwood tree in the distance and gain fresh hope. That hope is dashed when a large group of wights and White Walkers appear (this is one possibility for the big CGI scene). Meera attempts to fight them off with fire and dragonglass and Bran wargs into Hodor to help, but it’s clear that they’re surrounded with no hope of making it to the tree. Just when it appears they’re doomed, the Children of the Forest emerge and begin battling the wights and White Walkers. Bran falls unconscious.

10. Cut to Meereen. Dany is receiving supplicants in court, but she’s still broken up about Jorah’s banishment and it’s clear that her heart isn’t in it. A goatherder appears before her and says that her dragons attacked his flock. Dany offers to compensate him for his losses, but the man breaks down, emptying a sack of bones onto the floor. One of Dany’s advisors brings the bones to her – among them a child’s skull. Dany looks horrified.

11. Still in Meereen, cut to Dany’s private chambers. She’s devastated by what’s happened and her inability to control her dragons. After a suitable amount of angst, the suggestion is made (by Dany or one of her advisors) that the dragons should be chained.

12. Cut to King’s Landing. Jaime visits Cersei in her chambers. They talk about the result of the trial and what it means for the Lannisters’ fortunes, for Myrcella in Dorne, and for Tyrion. Jaime continues to be aghast that after all that has happened, Cersei is still so unabashedly determined to see Tyrion die - no matter how much she hates him, he’s still their brother. Cersei mocks Jaime’s notions about family, telling him “I would do things for my family that you couldn’t imagine”. The subtext of their conversation shifts to their own relationship. It finally becomes clear to both of them that they’ve reached a breaking point, and there’s no going back.

I would leave this scene 13 out - too spoilery for viewers.
13. Cut to elsewhere in the Red Keep. Jaime has tracked down Varys. Varys offers up his usual obsequious act, but Jaime cuts right through it. Varys is going to help him with something, and he doesn’t have a choice.

14. Cut to the Vale/Riverlands. Brienne and Pod are traveling along the road to the Eyrie when they meet someone who tells them that he recently saw the Hound traveling with a young girl. Brienne surmises that Arya must be close. Shortly thereafter, they are set upon by a group of armed men, possibly the same Mountain Clan/Lannisters/Freys that Arya and the Hound met earlier. A fight ensues, and Brienne bites off a man’s ear. Their attackers are set upon by another group of people (the Brotherhood Without Banners). Brienne falls unconscious.

15. Cut to Meereen. The Unsullied are in the process of corralling the dragons. Daenerys attempts to soothe her children, but they aren’t going quietly. Rhaegal and Viserion are eventually chained, but Drogon breaks free from his captors and unleashes fiery hell, killing several members of the Unsullied and sending Daenerys fleeing for cover (this is the other possibility for the big CGI scene). Drogon soars into the air and flies away from the city while Dany stares after him in despair.

16. Cut to the Wall. Jon is alone, brooding about the choice ahead of him. Someone comes to him and tells him that the brothers of the Night’s Watch are about to choose a new Lord Commander, and his presence is needed. Jon goes to the meeting, where he sees Sam whispering with several other brothers along the side of the room and Janos Slynt looking smug at the high table. The steward conducting the election asks the brothers to cast their votes and collects them. Jon is only half paying attention, his thoughts clearly elsewhere. The steward counts the votes and announces that one candidate has received a majority of the votes – Jon Snow. Slynt looks furious, and Jon is shocked. Maester Aemon summons Jon to the front and asks if he will accept this responsibility. Sam and the others look on expectantly. Jon hesitates for a long moment, and then agrees. Maester Aemon tells him that the Wall is his, and the brothers of the Night’s Watch cheer. Jon glances toward the doorway and sees Stannis standing there, his fate inscrutable. Stannis leaves. Jon stares after him for a moment, then turns away to accept the congratulations of his brothers. END of Jon’s storyline for the season.

17. Cut to North of the Wall. Bran, Hodor and the Reeds awaken in a cave. They are surrounded by the Children of the Forest. Bran is greeted by Leaf and is taken before Bloodraven. Bloodraven tells him that he’s been waiting for Bran for a long time. Bran asks if he can restore his ability to walk, and Bloodraven tells him "You will never walk again, Bran, but you will fly." END of Bran’s storyline for the season.

18. Cut to Meereen. Ante-penultimate sequence. Daenerys heads down into the caverns beneath Meereen to visit her captive children. The dragons are upset, and when Daenerys tries to soothe them, one of them viciously snaps at her - a callback to her very first scene of Season 4. Daenerys retreats, and our last glimpse of is her framed in the door to the dragons' cell as it closes in her face. END of Daenerys’s storyline for the season.

19. Cut to the Black Cells of King’s Landing. Penultimate sequence. Tyrion awaits his death in the black cells. Jaime arrives, and a despairing Tyrion asks him if he's "Come for a last look?" Jaime releases him, and they run through the tunnels together where they will meet up with Varys. Jaime fills Tyrion in on the plan to smuggle him to Essos. Tyrion profusely thanks his brother for everything that he's done (a testament to the strong relationship that we've seen between them all season). Jaime takes the moment to confess about Tysha. Shocked and betrayed, Tyrion lashes out at his brother, and the two of them part ways. Varys attempts to take Tyrion down to the docks, but Tyrion insists that Varys instead take him to the Tower of the Hand. He sneaks into Tywin’s bedchamber, finds Shae, and after a suitably emotional encounter (again, befitting their stronger relationship in the show) he strangles her. He then grabs the crossbow from over the bed and kicks down the door to the privy, where he finds Tywin. Tywin attempts to assert control of the situation, but Tyrion isn’t having it and demands to know what happened to Tysha. Tywin recounts the story, and denies knowledge of Tysha’s whereabouts, antagonizing Tyrion by saying she must have gone “Wherever *****s go”. Tyrion shoots him through the bowels, and Tywin collapses back onto the privy in shock. Tyrion mocks his father, urging him to die quickly, and Tywin complies. The last shot is Tywin splayed across the privy, with a mournful version of “The Rains of Castamere” playing into a brief fade to black. ALTERNATIVELY: As a possible coda: Tyrion rejoins Varys, who frets about what Tyrion may have done. Tyrion makes an ominous comment alluding to Tywin’s death, then marches away into the shadows. Regardless, END of the King’s Landing storyline for the season.

20. Cut to the Vale/Riverlands. Last Scene. Brienne and Podrick awaken and are brought before the BWB. The Lannisters/Freys who they tangled with earlier are hanging from the trees around them, either dying or already dead. Thoros and Anguy emerge, and Brienne demands to know who they are why she and Pod have been taken captive. Thoros identifies himself and the Brotherhood, and Brienne asks to speak to Beric Dondarrion. Thoros tells her that Lord Beric is dead, and that the Brotherhood has a new leader now – one that she knows. “We found her in the river. She’d been floating there for three days. Her throat was cut to the bone. Lord Beric knelt next to her body, said the words, and as he passed from this world, she rose. She doesn’t talk much ... but she remembers.”

Lady Stoneheart reveals herself, and Brienne is shocked. She tries to tell Stoneheart that she never broke her oath, that she is in fact still trying to protect Lady Stark’s daughters, but Stoneheart is hearing none of it, and the Brotherhood mock Brienne as “The Kingslayer’s *****”. Brienne is given an ultimatum – seek out Jaime Lannister and bring him back before Lady Stoneheart to face justice, or she and Pod will be hanged. “The sword or the noose?” Brienne refuses to choose, and Stoneheart orders the Brotherhood to hang them. Brienne and Pod are strung up, and Stoneheart watches them as they slowly begin to strangle to death.

I would also end it there and leave the next thing out...leave 'em sweating
Brienne stares down at Stoneheart’s ruined face and finally conjures up the air to scream out “Sword!” Lady Stoneheart offers up a terrible expression that resembles a smile, takes Oathkeeper, and swings it up towards Brienne (and the camera). As the blade slices across our field of vision, the screen cuts to black. END of Season 4.

Pretty good treatment I would enjoy that.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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No offense, but there's no way I'm reading a scene by scene prediction of a TV show.
Zombie Jon Snow
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it's football offseason...and a week between shows....and i'm unemployed...

what else am i going to do.

Elliot P. Campbell
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Er, scene 1 already doesn't make sense. Stannis hasn't arrived yet
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Multiple things in that storyline are out of sequence and would unnecessarily rush the plot.
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Also they made it quite clear that Pyp and Grenn were dead. They don't bring back secondary characters from the grave...
Thomas Ford 91
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If the don't burn them, they do.
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Also, there are never that many scenes in one episode
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Does anybody know if there has been any indication if RR Martin and the Cushing Library have plans to do another lecture/meet and greet thing like they did in 2013 when the RR Martin exhibit opened or was that a one-time deal for the opening?

Are there at least plans to do an RR Martin exhibit?
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Assuming GRRM doesn't keel over soon, I imagine they will have another similar event at some point. Cushing is the location of Martin's official repository, so they will have his stuff for a very long time, unless he dies and his will dictates they move his collections somewhere else.
Robert C. Christian
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I missed it, but why is Cushing GRRM's repository?
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B/c.. #wrts
The Debt
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B/c.. #wrts
Fat Bib Fortuna
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it has to do with him coming to A&M in the late 70s/early 80s for a comic-con with a friend of his - he told the whole story at the thing last year at rudder, really great story.
The Debt
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As an 11yo sitting in NJ, he read an ad in a comic book trying to sell a comic book. He sends the quarter to the address in Texas. When he gets the comic book, there was a letter with a doodle of a creature. GRRM and the seller became pen pals.

Years later (early 20s) the friend invited him to aggiecon or w/e and he really liked tamu and his friend had become best friends.

Recently he returned recently and saw our libraries' features/infrastructure and decided they were the perfect watchers in the archives...

[This message has been edited by the debt (edited 6/12/2014 10:50p).]
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That's pretty awesome, particularly when you consider the conservative reputation of our school.
The Debt
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Yep. Conservatives don't read.
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for the record, he selected Cushing as his repository several years before A Game of Thrones was published
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before he was mainstream
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Texas A&M has a huge reputation in the Sci-Fi and Fantasy literary worlds. Cushing library is the cream of the crop.
The Debt
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Yep. Conservatives don't read.

Heinlein was a commie.
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Aggies liked GRRM before he was cool. Does that make us hipsters?
Robert C. Christian
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Awesome! Thanks for the explanation!
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got caught up last night

the part where the wildlings were beginning to storm the castle (and the view of that part from the top of the wall) was badass
Fat Bib Fortuna
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to add on to the story, the penpal George RR Martin made was Howard Waldrop, a fairly well-known sci-fi writer himself.

He was there when Martin spoke at "Deeper than Swords" last year, and near the end of the story, Martin deadpanned that he still had the comic, which I believe was the first appearance of the Justice League now worth $10,000, he was pretty sure that Waldrop had "since spent the quarter".
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What the balls? Why wasn't I aware of this?! :\


No offense, but there's no way I'm reading a scene by scene prediction of a TV show.

Could not agree more!

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to beat the Witcher 2. Again.
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Sitting here at work and 2 Non Readers just came in my office saying that they just talked to a Reader in the office and she said that Tyrion kills Tywin and they were shocked and asking me if it was true. I just looked at them like they had 3 heads and said I didn't know what she was talking about.

How crappy is that of that chick?
Malachi Constant
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That's pretty awesome, particularly when you consider the conservative reputation of our school.
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aggie93, track her down and falcon punch her
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Punch that ***** in the ovaries...
Malachi Constant
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Spoilers and people who spoil.
Malachi Constant
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I am one of the only readers in my friends group. They've all been asking me tons of questions about what happens. I've given them all a single response, regardless of the question:

"Where do wh0res go?"
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