***Official Game of Thrones: Season 4 Thread (BOOK READERS/SPOILERS ALLOWED)***

207,061 Views | 2149 Replies | Last: 10 yr ago by Twelfthman
Al Bula
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The scene with Robert/Robin Arryn was terrible. Easily the worst part of the entire series to date. Thankfully that dude got b itch slapped.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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They've made Robin way too normal and capable of carrying on a real conversation. However, I did really like Sansa's moment of feeling like she was back at Winterfell with the snow and all.

Peter Dinklage in the scene with Oberyn was just phenomenal. As much as I look forward to the Mountain/Viper fight, I really cna't wait to see him and Charles Dance go toe to toe.
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The scene with Robert/Robin Arryn was terrible. Easily the worst part of the entire series to date.

That's a bit dramatic don't you think?
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If THAT was the worst scene in this entire series then GoT is doing a damn good job.
Elliot P. Campbell
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I didn't mind that scene, though I do think the kid who plays robin is a terrible actor. But there's been enough brilliantly cast child actors that I can let it slide
G Martin 87
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Well, let's be fair. Robin is not a complicated or deep character to begin with. Even Dolorous Ed gets better material.
The Dog Lord
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Oberyrn needs to lose. Tyrion needs to be sprang by Varys, not the Crown, in order to kill Tywin and Shae.

The only way I can see him surviving is if he stabs Gregor and tells him he wants him to suffer as long as possible under the poison instead of ending it then. Tywin/Cersei/etc. then says the Mountain hasn't died yet, so Oberyn did not "win." Cersei would be happy to make Tyrion think he was still doomed, and we still get the Tyrion escape sequence...I still think he dies though sadly.
Elliot P. Campbell
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"then i smashed her ****ing head in...like this!"

he dead
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Thoughts on last night's show:

I really like the new Ser Gregor; I think he compares favorably to the original guy that chopped the horse's head off.

Daenerys didn't strip down for the camera last night which was a little disappointing. I guess the story about her not doing any more nude scenes is true.

I'm surprised that no one was in the room when Littlefinger pushed Lysa out the moon door. Who will get the blame for that?

Great scenes with Dinklage & Price Oberyn. Man, I'm going to miss the Red Viper.

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Hate to see the red viper leave the show. One of the best actors/roles in this season.

I liked how they used the hounds aversion of fire to set up his infected wound. The plot deviation on this point gave the show a few more hound/arya scenes this season.
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Lots of greatness in this show and considering they hit so many different storylines it was even more impressive.

The Tyrion jail scenes were all great and I liked how they shifted from the books in the end so they could set up some closure with his relationship with Jaime and Bronn. The Viper scene was just top notch all the way around of course.

Loved the Arya/Hound scenes even though they are all added, they have done a pretty solid job of adding scenes for some of the better actors even when there isn't source material and then keeping them on track. The "Thank You" line was awesomeness.

The actor playing Robin is awfully weak and it was unfortunate as the Sansa actress was doing such a great job of setting that up and you could feel her loss of her home. The ***** slap was nice though. I was glad they went with the kiss with LF. The LF actor really could have done a better job as well, he just wasn't very believable that he cared about Lysa and you could see the push coming (my wife who is a Non Reader said it a minute before it happened). BTW, what is up with the Eyrie being basically abandoned? It's like the 4 main actors just live there alone in this giant castle.

Loved the new Mountain, way better than the 2nd one and believable as a replacement for the 1st. The disembowel scene with Cersei walking over his guts was awesome.

Interesting diversion with Hot Pie and Brienne/Pod. Don't recall that from the books.

I've already gone in to hibernation mode on Dany's scenes because I know we have seasons of crap on the way and though Emilia Clarke is super hot she isn't a great actress. Did kind of like Jorah being put even deeper into the "friend zone" though and the "The Queen is in a good mood this morning" line was funny.

Castle Black was blah but I loved seeing Ghost hanging out and clearly gaining more of a connection with Jon.
The Dog Lord
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BTW, what is up with the Eyrie being basically abandoned? It's like the 4 main actors just live there alone in this giant castle.

Lysa has only kept a few servants, guards, etc. there since the beginning of the show when she retreated to the Eyrie with Robin/Robert. She doesn't trust anyone.
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Oh, and they Viper needs to die or else it would simply change too much of the story. Same thing with Tywin. Sucks to lose 2 of the best characters and actors in the show though.

I'm expecting the final scene with Tywin to put Peter Dinklage's Emmy in the bag. Should be the best scene in a season of great scenes.
Malachi Constant
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Oh, and they Viper needs to die or else it would simply change too much of the story. Same thing with Tywin. Sucks to lose 2 of the best characters and actors in the show though.

I'm expecting the final scene with Tywin to put Peter Dinklage's Emmy in the bag. Should be the best scene in a season of great scenes.

"Wherever wh0res go"
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You think the scene will focus on Tysha?
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Interesting diversion with Hot Pie and Brienne/Pod. Don't recall that from the books.

I thought that was a major development.
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Piggybacking an earlier discussion on this:

What are the odds LF lays Sansa in show? Not this episode but in general

with this article:

Martin later sent him the Manuscript in the Box, asking him to fact-check it for him — because a slip like a change in eye color will make fans salivate with imposter theories, when sometimes it's just a mistake. Garcia now performs this function for all the books, but it's completely unofficial: "It's not like I'm paid or anything." And yes, that means he's read parts of book six, The Winds of Winter — including a Sansa chapter that is sure to be controversial.


What could possibly be controversial involving Sansa?

She is meek, timid, and a virgin. There has to be some significance to the fact they have made of point of reiterating Sansa is still a virgin, despite being engaged twice and married once. The biggest "controversy" this season was the Jaime/Cersei rape scene and nothing about Sansa has been controversial up until this point, but another rape scene involving Sansa would definitely fit the bill. Although I don't see how LF would ever allow that to happen unless he was the person committing the crime. Even then, rape/brute force doesn't seem like his style.
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The way they have written the mountain pretty much sucks. Am I supposed to believe that he starts his day sharpening his skills by mindlessly killing a bunch of peasants for practice or whatever? Thanks HBO for showing me what a bad guy this is in such a subtle way. Frankly it would have been more believeable but just as effective if he was knocking them the F out or maybe possibly maiming some of them or something. Could have at least have him have a semblance of semi-humanity but also show just a bit of the outrageous cruelty. slaughtering and disemboweling people is comic book ridiculousness. It seems we have skipped straight to Robert Strong with this guy.

[This message has been edited by JJxvi (edited 5/19/2014 9:54a).]
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Then on the opposite end we got like 3 episode arc worth of dialogue and crap from that minor character nutcase running things at Craster's Keep, like we needed him to keep driving it home what a bad guy he was. We could've used the Mountain torturing people to find gold, rather than just showing him off as the evil hulk or whatever.

[This message has been edited by JJxvi (edited 5/19/2014 9:58a).]
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You think the scene will focus on Tysha?

Makes me wonder about the penultimate episode we are all waiting for. The whole dynamic has changed. when they (D&D) decided to change Shae's motivations for betraying Tyrion especially. it makes me wonder how they are going to portray the Escape/Tower of the Hand scene. If Shae is just a "woman scorned/heartbroken", will Tyrion still strangle her to death? and if so, how does that change the perceptions of his character? much akin to the way they changed the Cersei/Jaime sex/rape scene.
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Good question. Tyrion is beloved by pretty much everyone because basically every character on the show (save Jamie) has taken a crap on him. It would be interesting to see how they react if he becomes a little more sinister. That being said, if she's boning Tywin, I doubt very much that anyone will feel sorry for her.

By the way, I kind of hate where Martin took Tyrion's character next. I don't have any interest in Penny or the Penny/Tyrion dynamic, and I wouldn't mind if they completely cut that story line out of the show and found another way for him to end up with Jorah.

[This message has been edited by MW03 (edited 5/19/2014 10:04a).]
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A few things.

Pretty sure ole Gregor was killing prisoners/inmates, for the king/ lannisters.

Also I def. believe that Shea was in it for the money and that she'll be boning Tywin in the last scene.

Lastly they've already said that this season will not have the awesome penultimate episode as in the past and that the best episode will be the last one.
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What could possibly be controversial involving Sansa?

So, here's an interesting theory regarding this... And it would certainly be controversial...

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Elliot P. Campbell
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Did someone just complain about the mountain not being given enough humanity?

The Dog Lord
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That being said, if she's boning Tywin, I doubt very much that anyone will feel sorry for her.

Agreed. The TV version is definitely more sympathetic with the way Tyrion treated her and her seeming to be truly hurt because she cared for him. Once the audience realizes she sold him out for money AND is banging his dad, I think they will care much less about her.
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There is no way HBO doesn't have Tyrion finding Shae his Tywin's bed and him killing them both. If they don't have Tywin dying on the potty, HBO's building will be burned down.
Elliot P. Campbell
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Completely forgot about this. I bet brienne and pod meet her in episode 10. That'd be a hell of a season ender
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If you watched the scene with Jaime carefully you could see him holding something back when Tyrion was talking about falling in love with a *****. They need the Tysha story as it is pivotal to his break with Jaime and creates that break in their relationship. It is also the thing that sends Tyrion over the edge into killer/rage mode.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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I'm guessing they're going to cut a crapload of "Pod and Brienne's Bogus Journey" out here and have them run into Lady Stoneheart, maybe in the last scene of the season, on their way to the Eyrie.

No problems with showing the mountain killing prisoners - I thought they had all signed up for trial by combat as well, they all got a sword or a club to use!

I like that the TV strategy of touching briefly on some story lines (a scene or 2 for Arya/Hound, The Wall, Dany) and then focus a good chunk of the episode on one thing - in this case mainly Sansa/LF/Lysa. That's a great strategy to keep things cooking while not racing too far ahead on the plot.

With Dany sending her future husband to treat with Yunkai, I wonder if she's even going to ever marry that dude on the show. Might be he dies in TWOW or just isn't important, so they don't even have her get married at all on the show.
Tyrion's face during Oberyn's story about their visit to Casterly Rock, and then the utter HOPE when Oberyn volunteers to fight for him were just amazing. I used to think nobody was better at showing emotions through facial expressions on a show I watched than Walton Goggins, who played Shane on The Shield, but Dinklage has tapped into something that is just unreal.

The Dog Lord
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With Dany sending her future husband to treat with Yunkai, I wonder if she's even going to ever marry that dude on the show. Might be he dies in TWOW or just isn't important, so they don't even have her get married at all on the show.

I think they are using him in Yunkai to show that he can make/keep the peace with the locals which will set up their marriage to keep peace in all of Slaver's Bay. They probably just need to mention his name more often also to get people to remember who he is.
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I wish the book & the show would do a better job of explaining the Vale... like how large are their armies in comparison to the other kingdoms. At some point in the near future I expect Sansa to somehow draw the Vale (or at least part of it) into the war on the side of the Starks & Stannis against the Freys, Boltons & Lannisters.

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Easily the worst part of the entire series to date.

The Mountain's D-Grade, low budget, hack-a-slave scene, looked like some cropped, 70's slasher film with Cercei super imposed into it.
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BTW, what is up with the Eyrie being basically abandoned? It's like the 4 main actors just live there alone in this giant castle.

Because it was. There was less than 2 dozen people in it. Historically, it was abandoned during the winter.
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It's not Winter yet though, they don't abandon it until AFFC. I remember Lysa keeping it lightly staffed but it just seems like no one else is there. No biggie.
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