do you really think the tv writers are going to have NOTHING for the next TWO seasons?
Imagine telling these things to someone who only watches the show.
We get to see the Citadel.
This kind of illustrates my point. I'm not saying next season will suck, but the previous seasons had some "big moment" to cap off the season, after several episodes of talk and build-up. Ned Stark's execution, the Battle of Blackwater, the Red Wedding, Joffrey's death, the Viper vs. the Mountain, Tywin's death. These are the things that get people talking. The things that you see trending on Twitter and Facebook and hear around the water cooler.
I don't know a single person who hasn't read the books that knows what The Citadel is, much less cares that we might finally "get to see" it next year. That this is even listed in the top few highlights of next season is somewhat telling.
Next season will be toned down a bit. The stories will need to be a bit more intimate, and that's fine. Maybe that's what we need. Maybe we'll get some "new content" like the whole Bran capture thing or the "where are my dragons" crap from season 2. Because if episode 9 has nothing worth writing home about - no siege, no surprising death, no back-stabbing moment - it may not go over well with the show audience.
That's why I think they shouldn't blow their load with the
entire Mance invasion this season. Nobody I know is saying "man I can't wait for whenever the wildlings attack" because it's been more of an afterthought this season. Maybe that's because Peter Dinklage has been so good. But they
could do the Ygritte part in episode 9 and save all the Mance stuff (meeting with Jon, revealing he has the horn, etc. etc.) next season. Not saying they will, but I wish they would.