The "Dragon has 3 heads" is from the House of the Undying and is consistent with everything we know about dragons. The prophecies from the HotU have all come true or haven't yet come to pass. Dragons have riders. There are variables though. Just because you are a Targ doesn't mean you will be a rider and people without any Targ blood can also be riders. Hot Pie could be a rider for all we KNOW. Still the likelihood is 3 Targs.
There are plenty of people out there with Targ blood. Dany obviously but also Stannis (the rightful king), and Aegon (fake or not) both have it. Tyrion doesn't need to be a targ for there to be three.
If anything, and i don't belive it, jamie and Cersei are Aery's kids. It makes much more sense for the kid that Tywin hates to be the only one that is his versus the ones he loves.
Im at the point where most of the theories i see now seems to be trying to hard to bend evidence to fit them or are just completely crackpot. It seems that every character has a secret parent or didn't actually die or whatever. It has gotten pretty ridiculous and at some point the text isn't trying to deceive you.
[This message has been edited by AgDev01 (edited 4/23/2014 5:21p).]