*****Star Wars: Ahsoka*****

179,338 Views | 2193 Replies | Last: 9 mo ago by double aught
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In regards to the finale, I think we have a few things needed to wrap up the season.

What power is baylan looking for? I honestly have no idea.

What happens to shin? I could possibly see her flipping but I honestly think she just dies. She isn't likeable enough.

The show has spent a lot of time on Sabine, her character development and her continued failure to do the "right" thing. By the end of the episode, she will get another chance and finally choose to do the "right" thing, at the cost of her personal relationship with Ezra.

I am probably entirely wrong but I think the good guys are going to try to attack thrawn directly and they will fail. Somehow, Sabine is going to be on that hyperspace ring without Ezra (possibly without ahsoka, too) with thrawn about to get there. She will finally have to do the "right" thing and leave Ezra behind again so that thrawn doesn't make it back.

Season 4 of the Mandalorian is Sabine meeting up with djin, grogu and the other mandalorians. By season end, she eventually convinces the mandalorians to help her stop thrawn and save Ezra (for reasons).

And the movie is everyone going back together to finally beat thrawn and save Ezra.

Sounds like good fanfiction in my head.
maroon barchetta
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When does Ezra find out that Sabine gave up the map to allow Morgan and crew to come to that galaxy and help Thrawn get back?
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There's got to be a moment coming soon where everyone tells all. Sabine about the giving up of the map, Ahsoka about the WBW and Ezra about what the heck has happened to him for 10 years.
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KCup17 said:

Ezra about what the heck has happened to him for 10 years.
you mean a 20 year old man-boy, stuck in another galaxy with no dateable women -folk, and only a roving band of heroes-in-a-half-shell for company?

Let's just say he turned down the lightsaber because his palms are too hairy and his grip sucks.
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Off topic but I would enjoy a scene between Huyang and Luke.
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I really hope the finale ends in an Empire Strikes Back-like victory for Thrawn

They need to continue to build him up and you can't do that with the good guys winning at the end of the day.

I do think the posters who predict a climactic finale centered around Baylan are right.

I think Ezra and Sabine will find themselves in a showdown with Baylon where he tells Ezra what Sabine did (surrendering the star map) to distract Ezra and gain an upper hand.

I wonder if we'll see what's in the caskets or if they'll save that for next season…
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Getting a feeling there is another portal to the world between worlds in this planet.

Thrawn will escape and Baylon will be confronted by all 3 at the portal and they will use it to get back.
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The remains of the Lothal Jedi temple are presumably still on board the Chimaera right?

That would take a lot of explaining for the non-Rebels viewers, but if we're just talking about potential pieces on the board.

To add on to that, it was destroyed by Ezra, but Palpatine tells Ezra at the beginning of that that he had it brought in piece by piece, so if they did that once, perhaps they could do it again.
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If I had to guess, the good guys are going to win, but they bring Thrawn back as a prisoner because they won't straight up kill him and he gets freed by some version of Gideon.
Belton Ag
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Probably been said in this thread somewhere but Senator Xiono is the father of the main character in the Resistance animated show correct?

I wonder why Filoni made him out to be such a wiener in this show.
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C@LAg said:

KCup17 said:

Ezra about what the heck has happened to him for 10 years.
you mean a 20 year old man-boy, stuck in another galaxy with no dateable women -folk, and only a roving band of heroes-in-a-half-shell for company?

Let's just say he turned down the lightsaber because his palms are too hairy and his grip sucks.

It might explode as soon as he touched it.
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LeonardSkinner said:

C@LAg said:

KCup17 said:

Ezra about what the heck has happened to him for 10 years.
you mean a 20 year old man-boy, stuck in another galaxy with no dateable women -folk, and only a roving band of heroes-in-a-half-shell for company?

Let's just say he turned down the lightsaber because his palms are too hairy and his grip sucks.

It might explode as soon as he touched it.

He could have used the force…
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TXAG 05 said:

He could have used the force…

Hulla Baller
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C@LAg said:

TXAG 05 said:

He could have used the force…

but...What is a woman?
The Porkchop Express
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Poster and a quote from the living legend. Is there ever going to be a time when remembering Carrie Fisher is gone doesn't hurt?

I was so pleased to shine briefly in the iconic Ahsoka - had such a perfect time with the lovely cast and crew on set, in the amazing Volume - and now, so touched by the kind comments from viewers who appreciated 3PO being there for the beloved princess. Thank you. Everyone.

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C@LAg said:

TXAG 05 said:

He could have used the force…

3 1 4 2
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redline248 said:

3 1 4 2
i would rather hump a wampa.
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The Porkchop Express said:

threepio with a little bit of Thrawn pudge there. those wires are bulging outwards.

needs to do some ab crunches.
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redline248 said:

Off topic but I would enjoy a scene between Huyang and Luke.
Honstely, it would be and insteresting dialogue. I would actually be interested in hearing this. Unfortunatley, I think getting this is really unlikely.
The Porkchop Express
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C@LAg said:

redline248 said:

3 1 4 2
i would rather hump a wampa.
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The Porkchop Express said:

C@LAg said:

redline248 said:

3 1 4 2
i would rather hump a wampa.

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Belton Ag said:

Probably been said in this thread somewhere but Senator Xiono is the father of the main character in the Resistance animated show correct?

I wonder why Filoni made him out to be such a wiener in this show.
Resistance was rumored to be basically Kiri Hart's project. Xiono was not exactly a sympathetic charatcer in Resistance to begin with. The guy bascially blamed his son for the woes that were incurred.
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Definitely some good highlights in this episode mainly Thrawns motivations on why he let Sabine go. Was fun to see some of the strategies we saw in rebels.

3po was fun to see.

The dialogue between Sabine and Ezra was a lot of fun as well and brought back a lot of the rebels charm.

Was hoping to have more things happen this episode though. In all the only thing that happened was Baylan and white hair multipass parted ways and Ashoka is back with Sabine and Ezra……and I thought she'd be a little more pissed off when she first saw Sabine….
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jokershady said:

white hair multipass ….
Worth reading the entire thread for this.

Thank you.
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Ashoka is at peace after the Anikan episode. While she doesn't agree she understands what drove her to do what she did and focused on moving forward.

That's why she did so well in her light saber battle with Baylan this time. I like his looks when she was doing so well. He kept his cool but his glances were like, what the and showed a little frustration.
Hungry Ojos
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

Important detail, or just an Easter Egg?

I wish you would have spoiler blocked this.
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Meh I don't think that's a spoiler. They always have hid fun items in orabesh (or however you spell it) throughout all 3 seasons of Mando, BoBF, and Obiwan.

Sometimes it's hinting at things that have happened or going on but most of the time it's just fun stuff the writers are doing knowing folks are going to analyze it (I think one for an episode of S3 Mando was literally a joke with something like, "this means nothing" written out).

Now if this does end up hinting at something coming then that's pretty cool but wouldn't be mad at someone not spoiler tagging it cause this would honestly be a first for a major plot point to be written out like that
maroon barchetta
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Not sure a spoiler block would work on that.


It doesn't for pics.
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I'm assuming that's an Easter egg. It would be too out of left field plot-wise for Baylan to pull the whole original crew into his plot in the final episode.

Like on Mando when Luke shows up,we knew grogu had been calling to the Jedi earlier in the season, which set that appearance up as awesome instead of "what are they doing here?"
Thanks and gig'em
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It's also not a spoiler if it's literally in the show.
Moral High Horse
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Urban Ag
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OnlyForNow said:

jokershady said:

white hair multipass ….
Worth reading the entire thread for this.

Thank you.

The Porkchop Express
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Hit Quote and fill in your predictions for the season finale. After 8 p.m. Tuesday (CDT) all entries are null and void and you won't be eligible for the grand prize, or any of the other prizes.

Part 1: Who Makes it Back to Star Wars Galaxy Proper in this episode?
A simple Y or N will do.

1. Thrawn
2. Morgan Elsbeth
3. Enoch
4. Broom Hilda - the lead witch
5. Esmerelda - the sensitive witch
6. Dua Lipa - the cute witch
7. Baylan Skoll
8. Shin Hati
9. Ahsoka Tano
10. Sabine Wren
11. Ezra Bridger
12. Huyang
13. Whatever the scary thing is that Baylan's going to go wake up.

Part 2: Are any of the characters listed 1-11 going to die in this episode?
A simple Y or N will do.

Part 2A Bonus: Name the character you think is most likely to die in the last episode.


Part 3: Do we find out, via visual or verbal, what is in the coffins?
A simple Y or N will do.

Part 4: Assuming Baylan Skoll finds what he's looking for and unleashes it, what's it going to be?

A) Some kind of monster or creature, like the Zillo Beast for example or the thing from the High Republic
B) Some sort of being that is alive
C) Some sort of spirit or essence or crap like that
D) An artifact that he can use to do dastardly **** with
E) None of the above

Part 5: Is the thing Baylan is trying to find
A) Something that has been previously named or referenced in Star Wars
B) Something completely original

Part 6: Is Shin Hati going to switch sides, or at least stop serving Thrawn / Elsbeth?

A simple Y or N will do.

Part 7: Is Sabine going to actually use the Force in this episode?

A simple Y or N will do.

Part 8: Is there going to be anymore Anakin in this episode - hologram / vision / Force Ghost / trading card / NFT?
A simple Y or N will do.

Part 9: Do we get any other cameos from any other SW tales that we haven't previously seen in this series?
A simple Y or N will do.

Part 10: Are Ezra and Sabine going to smoochy kiss, or at least admit that he tried to bone her for the first 3 seasons of Rebels and then she was ready for some Lothal Loving by the end of Season 4, right when he vanished?

A simple Y or N will do.

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The Porkchop Express said:

Hit Quote and fill in your predictions for the season finale. After 8 p.m. Tuesday (CDT) all entries are null and void and you won't be eligible for the grand prize, or any of the other prizes.

Part 1: Who Makes it Back to Star Wars Galaxy Proper in this episode?
A simple Y or N will do.

1. Thrawn - N
2. Morgan Elsbeth - N
3. Enoch - N
4. Broom Hilda - the lead witch - N
5. Esmerelda - the sensitive witch - N
6. Dua Lipa - the cute witch - N
7. Baylan Skoll - N
8. Shin Hati - N
9. Ahsoka Tano - N
10. Sabine Wren - N
11. Ezra Bridger - N
12. Huyang - N
13. Whatever the scary thing is that Baylan's going to go wake up. - N

Part 2: Are any of the characters listed 1-11 going to die in this episode?
A simple Y or N will do.


Part 2A Bonus: Name the character you think is most likely to die in the last episode.


Part 3: Do we find out, via visual or verbal, what is in the coffins?
A simple Y or N will do.


Part 4: Assuming Baylan Skoll finds what he's looking for and unleashes it, what's it going to be?

A) Some kind of monster or creature, like the Zillo Beast for example or the thing from the High Republic
B) Some sort of being that is alive
C) Some sort of spirit or essence or crap like that
D) An artifact that he can use to do dastardly **** with
E) None of the above

Part 5: Is the thing Baylan is trying to find
A) Something that has been previously named or referenced in Star Wars
B) Something completely original

Part 6: Is Shin Hati going to switch sides, or at least stop serving Thrawn / Elsbeth?
A simple Y or N will do.


Part 7: Is Sabine going to actually use the Force in this episode?
A simple Y or N will do.


Part 8: Is there going to be anymore Anakin in this episode - hologram / vision / Force Ghost / trading card / NFT?
A simple Y or N will do.


Part 9: Do we get any other cameos from any other SW tales that we haven't previously seen in this series?
A simple Y or N will do.


Part 10: Are Ezra and Sabine going to smoochy kiss, or at least admit that he tried to bone her for the first 3 seasons of Rebels and then she was ready for some Lothal Loving by the end of Season 4, right when he vanished?
A simple Y or N will do.


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