*****Star Wars: Ahsoka*****

179,216 Views | 2193 Replies | Last: 9 mo ago by double aught
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The scale of the Purgills in live action is incredible. I feel like this episode, for how short it was, had a little bit some something for everyone.

Not much more footage from the clips left. Next week is looking like it's going to be a lightsaber dueling fest.
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Idk, I think the actress playing Hera is nailing it. Nice to get a Jacen reveal too.

It's cool to see Sabine go through Force trainings but I hope it leads us to her just being a confident Sabine non-Force user instead of her having some sort of awakening or breakthrough and becoming a Jedi. The Huyang training beam things were a cool new touch.

Was hoping for the confrontation between Ray Stevenson's character and Ahsoka this week but I guess that's coming soon since they're on the same planet those scenes are on.

Only part I wasn't wild about was the lightsaber fight on the downed spaceship. Pretty good distraction but the attackers could have very easily avoided getting sliced up. Oh, and we got more lasers making flak bursts but now in space. I did like the design of the enemy fighters - very barnstormer-like.

Episode was fun but yeah, too short.
The Porkchop Express
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Sabine saying Luke's line verbatim from ANH "I can't see, how am I supposed to fight?"

I think they might have had Hera be warm and fuzzy in the opening show where she's settled into life as NR General in peace time and Jacen's mom so that she could have her own arc back to fighting badass. Dropped the hammer on Senator Asian Guy and then double-downed with the "which side comes out on top" line.

Hera's facial expressions clearly do not want Jacen Syndulla being a Jedi.

Loved Huyang's line about Ahsoka coming from a long line of non-traditional Jedi. Anakin trained her, Obi-Wan trained Anakin, Qui-Gon trained Obi-Wan, Dooku trained Qui-Gon!

The extra-vehicle stuff was great, and it didn't last too long, nor was she too powerful - just out there to distract while Sabine fixed the ship, knowing the Dark Force User girl wouldn't be able to resist trying to shoot her instead of merely blowing the ship up.

Really enjoyed it. Need to figure out what diet Mon Mothma's on since she hasn't aged a day since Andor!

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Space whales!
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I liked this episode a lot more than the first two.

I wish Disney had released these 3 on day 1.

It feels like the show is finally starting.
Brian Earl Spilner
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The only thing I didn't like about that Jedi line is that Obi-Wan was very much a traditional Jedi. But otherwise true.
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Well there is the purgill migration patterns line someone predicted already. That helps with the whole map explanation a little more. Also they were pretty impressive in live action.

I thought she was about to Leia space walk for a second. I didn't think the space fight or the space walk was very well done and a little cheesy/unbelievable. They were getting the crap blasted out of them I doubt that ship is that powerful.

Hera always toying the line between trying to follow the chain of command and doing what she thinks is right. I think she sends help eventually anyways.
Formerly tv1113
The Porkchop Express
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

The only thing I didn't like about that Jedi line is that Obi-Wan was very much a traditional Jedi. But otherwise true.
Is he?
His Master is non-traditional.
He has something very much resembling a romantic relationship with Duchess Satine.
He gets to skip the trials because he kills a Sith Lord in single combat
He covers up for Anakin for YEARS despite knowing he's in a relationship with Padme
He acknowledges his own feelings of love for Anakin (not gay).
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Politicians making military decisions. Never a good thing.
Atreides Ornithopter
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The Porkchop Express said:

Brian Earl Spilner said:

The only thing I didn't like about that Jedi line is that Obi-Wan was very much a traditional Jedi. But otherwise true.
Is he?
His Master is non-traditional.
He has something very much resembling a romantic relationship with Duchess Satine.
He gets to skip the trials because he kills a Sith Lord in single combat
He covers up for Anakin for YEARS despite knowing he's in a relationship with Padme
He acknowledges his own feelings of love for Anakin (not gay).

He controls the High ground
He says Hello there
He sees things from certain points of view.
The Porkchop Express
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LB12Diamond said:

Politicians making military decisions. Never a good thing.
I say this very tongue in cheek, but F16 should love this episode - the Asian, Indian, and Black politicians were the dummies, and the white lady was the voice of reason.

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The long line of non traditional Jedi was incredible
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Agree with others who say the space walking Ahsoka was a little too much, but I loved most of the episode
- Really enjoyed the training early on, and Ahsoka's line about anger giving you strength, but putting you off-balance
- The purgill were such a highlight! Wow. I never imagined they'd look so great. And it gave me vibes of the Empire Strikes Back asteroid chase (one of my favorite Star Wars moments) while giving us something stunning and new.
- excellent use of Hera in this show so far, too. A fun glimpse of jacen. And just enough Republic politics to let us know why Ahsoka's going it alone without boring us to tears

Can't wait to see where they continue to take this
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Enjoyed it but everything (directorial and action wise) seemed a little too sterile/clean. I'm not expecting or wanting shaky cam or lens flares, but during the dog fight everything just seemed so calm and pleasant…maybe that's just my take. Also did those bad guy planes look like old mustangs to anyone else?
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For all of Favreaus faults with Mando 3 he gave some really good dog fight scenes so this seemed lame by comparison.
Formerly tv1113
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Orome said:

Also did those bad guy planes look like old mustangs to anyone else?

Looked a little more P-40 Warhawk or P-36 Hawk inspired to me. Not sure if we have seen that exact type of craft before. The Ghost is inspired by the B-25 Mitchell, so if it's new it's continuing Filoni's WW2 design trend.
Al Bula
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The Porkchop Express said:

After Ahsoka is over we should do a separate thread going through the Heir to the Empire novels chapter by chapter or something to that effect. That is some master story telling and introduced, what, 8-10 indelible EU characters

Mara Jade
Talon Kardde
all of Kardde's guys and the other smugglers - Mazzic, Niles Ferrier, Gillepsie
Shada Dukal
Rukh and the Noghri
Borsk Fel'ya
Gam Bel Iblis

What a visionary Zahn was back then.

Zahn is a lucky hack that has naked pictures of someone to be able to get a few things he created shoehorned and retconned into canon.

The Thrawn trilogy was overly complicated and bloated with Canto Bight-level cringe side missions. The entire concepts of the Noghri and Mara Jade are completely ludicrous. Insane cloned Jedi with an extra vowel in their names? GMAFB!

I won't derail much more but the Thrawn book elements which became canon and Ahsoka suffer the same problem: miracle characters who appear outta nowhere (cartoons don't count) and somehow were in the mix during the original trilogy but not important enough until Disney wants to crank up the money machine.
The Porkchop Express
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I am bitter about a lot of things, but books that came out 30+ years ago is not one of them.
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Damn I forgot this switched to Tuesday. Gonna have to wait till tomorrow to watch with the wife
Atreides Ornithopter
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Your name should be David Bitterswamp.
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Have we seen the red tree planet before? I thought maybe the opening scene in rise of skywalker but that's not it.
The Porkchop Express
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Before I forget, I am going to assume you are right there with me that Sabine in the sleeveless training shirt was 100% en fuego.
The Porkchop Express
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maca1028 said:

Have we seen the red tree planet before? I thought maybe the opening scene in rise of skywalker but that's not it.
I thought there were a couple of Star Trek visual homages in this episode. The red planet from the beginning of STar Trek Into Darkness.

And Ahsoka getting back on the wing of the ship and having her boots "clamp" down on the metal, just like when Picard, Worf and Crazy Dave from Desperate Housewives go sabotage the Borg transmitter thing in "First Contact".

Red Five
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The Porkchop Express said:

LB12Diamond said:

Politicians making military decisions. Never a good thing.
I say this very tongue in cheek, but F16 should love this episode - the Asian, Indian, and Black politicians were the dummies, and the white lady was the voice of reason.

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It's vaguely reminiscent to me of when Sabine, Ezra, and a group of Mandalorians dropped onto the hull of an Interdictor from Rebels. Ezra might have deflected a shot/laser bolt from a TIE? I can't quite remember.
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Maybe a little bit of cheesy stuff, but it was at least some fun action.

I'll echo what someone else said, I hope they end up with Sabine just being a non-force user. Or maybe just enough force intuition or something. We don't need every hero to be a Jedi, which I just remembered is exactly what Ahsoka said.

I wonder if we'll get Ahsoka vs the apprentice, or just Baylan.

Whenever they show Marrok I am reminded of Tron Legacy, where the character Tron had been somehow brainwashed to work for CLU. He even kind of looks like Tron
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I enjoy Hera's character, especially when she has her back (end) toward the camera!
Let's go ski-man!
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redline248 said:

Maybe a little bit of cheesy stuff, but it was at least some fun action.

I'll echo what someone else said, I hope they end up with Sabine just being a non-force user. Or maybe just enough force intuition or something. We don't need every hero to be a Jedi, which I just remembered is exactly what Ahsoka said.

Sometimes just saying something is the best way to get something across. Huyang obviously doesn't think she has it in her and Ahsoka obviously knows she doesn't have much or hardly any talent in weilding the force. I kind of also think that "be herself" maybe Ahsoka was alluding to her being unsure of herself since the crew basically all went their own ways. Only time will tell if that was the case I guess.

I wonder if we'll get Ahsoka vs the apprentice, or just Baylan.

Whenever they show Marrok I am reminded of Tron Legacy, where the character Tron had been somehow brainwashed to work for CLU. He even kind of looks like Tron

I can't remember if it was noted in the thread previously but Sam Witwer has been listed in the credits for additional. I didn't check this week but Marrok sounded a little like him with a voice modulator. Will be interesting to see if Marrok is just Marrok or someone we have known/met.
Brian Earl Spilner
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The Porkchop Express said:

Before I forget, I am going to assume you are right there with me that Sabine in the sleeveless training shirt was 100% en fuego.

The Porkchop Express
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We have seen ahsoka vs marrok and ahsoka vs baylon in the trailers, along with what looks like a second Sabine vs Hati fight where Hati says you have no power.
I'm hoping that ahsoka is really trying to train Sabine to get over her anger and guilt about Ezra and find her purpose, not to unlock the Force. Ezra asked Sabine to stay and protect Lothal around 1 BBY. Now it's 9 ABY and she's back on Lothsal or never left. That's a lot of wasted time after the battle was won.

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Orome said:

Enjoyed it but everything (directorial and action wise) seemed a little too sterile/clean. I'm not expecting or wanting shaky cam or lens flares, but during the dog fight everything just seemed so calm and pleasant…maybe that's just my take. Also did those bad guy planes look like old mustangs to anyone else?

This. The story is fine, and it's centered around a great mystery, but visually this thing feels like a stage play at times. That typical flat, digital look, the most boring, straightforward cinematography, all capturing the most clean, sterile sets, where nothing feels used or lived in. Combine that with Filoni's lack of ability to write anything other than five minute scenes, and Star Wars' problem of every last character increasingly sounding stiff and stoic, and this show currently has zero oomph or pizazz. It's intriguing for sure, and I appreciate all the various nods, but man, it desperately needs someone with a sense of style and pacing behind the camera.
The Porkchop Express
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Cinco Ranch Aggie
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jabberwalkie09 said:

Orome said:

Also did those bad guy planes look like old mustangs to anyone else?

Looked a little more P-40 Warhawk or P-36 Hawk inspired to me. Not sure if we have seen that exact type of craft before. The Ghost is inspired by the B-25 Mitchell, so if it's new it's continuing Filoni's WW2 design trend.
Nice aircraft reference, especially pulling up the mostly unremembered P-36. I'd lean toward the P-36 in that ship design. I guess that continues a pattern from Episode I-III with some of the Naboo ships looking like more modern aircraft, the SR-71 and B-2.
The Porkchop Express
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Cinco Ranch Aggie said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

Orome said:

Also did those bad guy planes look like old mustangs to anyone else?

Looked a little more P-40 Warhawk or P-36 Hawk inspired to me. Not sure if we have seen that exact type of craft before. The Ghost is inspired by the B-25 Mitchell, so if it's new it's continuing Filoni's WW2 design trend.
Nice aircraft reference, especially pulling up the mostly unremembered P-36. I'd lean toward the P-36 in that ship design. I guess that continues a pattern from Episode I-III with some of the Naboo ships looking like more modern aircraft, the SR-71 and B-2.

I have to assume Morgan Elsbeth has a factory pumping out HKs somewhere because they are going through those things like paper towels.
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Apprentice Hati's ship reminded me of General Grievous's fighter that Obi-Wan steals in episode 3.

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