cmiller00 said:
The way the players are reacting makes me think that this type of organizational level cheating isn't going on elsewhere or at least near to the extent the Astros took it. Maybe a few players here and there but not entire teams basically sanctioned by the organization.
I agree. Kinsler's interview on the ticket was pretty interesting. Long story short, after he was sent to Boston he mentioned that there were clubs ahead on technology (like Boston) and some that weren't. He was able to go back into the dugout during the game and go through tape, analyze the AB, examine signs, etc. But when asked if it was about the report out of Houston... "Everyone is using video equipment...the difference is that they lost their minds with it."
When asked about Boston and if they'll find anything close to the Astros: "I don't know what they're going to find but in my opinion, it's going to be nothing like what they found in Houston. When i joined the club, the Red Sox were just a very tight knit group like the Rangers were back in the day. They just had a flawless system at relaying from second to home...that was it.'
'Some teams aren't set up as well for video as others. But I would go back and look at video from my at-bat to figure out what I need to do and if we had someone on second, I'd go back and look to see if I can crack the signs and relay info out to the guy on second. The only way to get back to normal is to get rid of technology during the game.'
The difference between this and steroids is that this is completely one-sided. "If I'm doing steroids and the pitcher is doing steroids, it cancels each other out. But with this, the pitcher is in no-control on the mound. It gives one team and only one team a clear advantage."
His solution; strip all technology. Go through the game as normal and after the game, analyze the film with your hitting coach. That's what they're there for. I completely agree...give them an inch with technology and teams will try to take a mile. We know the Astros did...maybe other clubs did as well. But the only way to squash it is to eliminate technology for in-game use.