gigemJTH12 said:
I like the guy from Miami. He cracks me up. Then again I always like the people like that. Zach Rancey is one of my all time favorites.
This is definitely the best looking cast in a long time. They really went for the lookers.
I cant stand Cody.
Haha I'm the opposite. Can't stand the Miami guy. And am actually rooting for Cody. I think he's getting a bad casting, or just a little socially awkward so things come out wrong, or both. Like what he said about Gillian (??the 3rd girl on the block). I agree with him, but it either came out wrong or was casted to come out that way. Everyone there has a story.
Unrelated, but am I supposed to look up to her as an inspiration or something because she went to Mexico to get her stomach stapled? It's not inspiring, it's stupid, risky, and lazy.