New mission, strike, and gambit map unlock with worlds first completed
Ph.D.Aggies said:
So ummm.. I watched the raid off and on all day (and I mean all day because it took 18 hours and then some for a team to beat it)... We back to VoG levels of hard.. and then some.. If only I were like 30 light higher.
Bones08 said:
Anybody given the first encounter of the raid a shot? I'm level 533 so I feel like I'm getting close to the point where I could put up a fight in that encounter.
However, I'm probably another month from giving the rest of the raid a go.
koadie said:
I got Ace of spades!!! Took a solid 3 hours last night of doing crucible to get those headshots.
JRC0811 said:
Who's ready to grind Iron Banner this week? Any clue if all the armor pieces will be available during each IB, or, have they gone back to it only being two armor drops? I want my Titan to finally start looking sexy.
So, OP!FightinTexasAg15 said:
Haha now that I can agree with!
But we all know the real optimal loadout of forsaken
koadie said:
They honestly need to adjust the amount of ammo you get in Gambit with that