Signem said:
For Mia NOT to get Freshman of the Year shows just how much BS there is in saying, "Body of Work". No other fish is recognized more times than she (longevity), no other fish won as many matches as she (production). The fish that did win did play a higher line than Mia (2 as opposed to 3 or 4 for Mia), but then why wouldn't she be recognized as often as Mia? That is just so much horse s**T!! True she stumbled ONE weekend playing back to back to back matches.
I agree. I think what we saw in Arkansas was all of our freshmen and underclassmen run out of steam. Mia was exhausted. Daria, too. Mireles, same. Tournament weekend is a grind both physically and mentally. We need them all to be physically and mentally on point moving forward. Now we are back to a more reasonable physical strain, but as they march through the NCAAs the mental component will become more of a factor.
Tbh. I think Jayci had a claim for player of the year behind Mary.
Interested to watch what happens with line 3 doubles and lines 5-6 singles as we enter post season.