Aggietennisfan, I've been out of pocket the last few days and knew I had some reading to catch up on. But MY GOD man (I'm guessing the gender) I don't think anybody is calling you the enemy, just the nincompoop that can't get out of his/her own way. You are just taking WAY too much for granted. Carson was unable to play at Virginia and USC due to medical reasons, i.e. X-rays tell a lot. Just because we can't see a walking boot cast on her foot, or a bandage somewhere on her body doesn't mean she isn't hurting like H*LL inside. That gal is tough as nails, but even nails can get bent. PLEASE everyone, just let time take its course and Mark will make an announcement when the time is right.
In the meantime Aggietennisfan, please take your published "facts" and shove them up something, like your nose. You can have your opinion, many times they appear insightful and you articulate very well. Almost everyone on here knows the "facts" about this team. But use your common sense, if Carson is not suiting up or not playing I can absolutely assure you that its something that has to be addressed OFF the court and unfortunately it will most likely take awhile to get fixed. But it is NOT a mental thing I CAN assure you. Mark plays the girls in the position that best helps the team, would he love to have Carson in the lineup, ABSOLUTELY, and so would the girls. But Harry Dunne is right, the comments you made about being "stack" and quoting past records is taking a cheap shot. Schlossnagle I think did it best by putting the 12th Man in its place. We are here to SUPPORT our athletes not tear them down, and what you are doing is tearing down a sensitive woman's feelings and desires to want to contribute any way she can. (See I'm offering my "opinion" but it can be both positive and negative at the same time, yours are not seen that way by many of us on here).
I am certain that now you can turn your angst against me, and that's fine. Just leave Carson alone, please. What you are saying on here is not gentlemanly or ladylike. Very unAggielike and the wrath being directed toward you by a number of others on here ought to say something to you.