Well, it's almost as if they have the rather strange and unlikely alliance with the motto:
"Believe in something even if it means sacrificing everything." Isn't life a hoot?!
I like your analogy. Betsy Ross hating is a great way to sacrifice everything.
Nevertheless the thread created here is a great gut-check for those of us (myself included, get too greedy on the prize we seek) looking to connect too many dots. My guess is that most on this thread seek the same goals as us, basic freedom and trustworthiness in our gov't. I'm just bringing out a welcome mat for those of you following that want to QUESTION EVERYTHING to agree, there's a whole new level of politics being played since Trump was elected. You can hate on what's happening among the Q-anons all you want, but the world is catching on. Q-signs sighted in Japan, France (yellow vest movement), Brexit (1 million protesters not covered by mainstream media, not significant?). Now Hong Kong has several thousands singing "Hallelujah to the Lord" in the streets. No connection?
Never mind. We're Kooks. But Happy 4th just the same!