moore42 said:
I need some help on ATF Forms and trusts.
I just purchased (have not received) a 300 blk pistol from eyeguy. I want to convert this pistol to SBR. In order to do that, I need to file a form 1?
A freind of a freind that should be in the know tells me its a form 4, but I dont think that is correct.
Secondly, since i havent picked up the firearm from the FFL yet, is it best to have my Trust already completed and "register" that pistol under the trust? Or does it matter?
TLDR: Are these the correct steps for converting AR pistol to SBR?
1. Create trust
2. "register" pistol under trust
3. Take SN off lower, file Form 1 to convert to SBR?
4. Purchase suppressor
5. File Form 4 for suppressor
6. Modify trust to show SBR with suppressor.
7. After stamp received, pick up suppressor from FFL.
If you're building the SBR, you file a Form 1. If eyeguy is building it, he transfers it to you on a Form 4.
I would go ahead and get the trust ready. No reason to wait. Many some with a schedule that is easily modified to add/remove trust property. When creating SBRs, I always move the "base" gun into the trust before sending off my paperwork. I've seen BATFE kick forms back when the trust doesn't "own" the gun before conversion.
Your TLDR is accurate minus step 6. The trust doesn't own the suppressor until the transfer is complete and the suppressor is in your hands. So just swap items 6 and 7. Pick up suppressor and then add to trust.
I have my trust property schedule laid out as Serial, Model, Caliber, Date added to trust. Makes it very easy to add new purchases