You just got called out by a child. How does that feel?
You are a ****ing idiot
actually, people dont even notice the bevel because it doesnt matter to (what I consider) a rational person. Theyre just buying A&M stuff. The bevel is not a bonus or a deterrent.
Theyre just buying A&M stuff. The bevel is not a bonus or a deterrent.
Anybody interested in joining a marketing firm I plan on starting?
actually, people dont even notice the bevel because it doesnt matter to a rational person. Theyre just buying A&M stuff. The bevel is not a bonus or a deterrent.
It seems the absolute ONLY way bevel huggers can argue their position is with personal insults directed at traditional logo lovers. Lots, and I would estimate, "most" Aggies do not like the bevel. Notice those that do not like the bevel do not make personal insults at the bevel lovers but instead direct their angst at the bevel itself.
Recapping...bevel lovers use personal insults. Traditional logo lovers do not. Based on this evidence, I can see no other conclusion but that traditional logo lovers are more rational than bevel lovers.
You are a ****ing idiot
So you're going to sit there and tell me that Old Main is a rational human being?
Theyre just buying A&M stuff. The bevel is not a bonus or a deterrent.
Totally agree with you here. The majority are buying A&M stuff because it's A&M stuff.
However it IS a deterrent to me and quite a few other Ags I know, and that's all I'm saying.
[This message has been edited by pinche gringo (edited 6/15/2013 12:52p).]
I wonder why the sales of the non-beveled football helmet have risen at a much faster rate than all the beveled merchandise?
"Appaling Simpleton Symbols"
In life, when you are on the losing side in debate, and you cannot defend your position
People are buying stuff in spite of the bevel, not because of it.
actually, people dont even notice the bevel because it doesnt matter to a rational person. Theyre just buying A&M stuff. The bevel is not a bonus or a deterrent.
Old main, I bet if the goal was to make a geometrically, mathematically correct logo, A&M could have figured it out.
Maybe it's time to start considering that that isn't the primary goal of a logo. Come to terms with that buddy.
Bevel the a and m too
I'm confident that when they teach Intro to Graphics Design 101 getting the geometry correct isn't optional - it is a basic requirement for a passing grade.