I hate the bevel because:
1. it is geometrically incorrect
2. it looks sloppy on merchandise and as a television graphic
3. it serves as a reminder of a crappy era in Aggie football and when we were stuck in a crappy conference
4. it is similar to texas tceh's logo, and I don't want to be similar to tceh in any way
Now, if I don't like the beveled logo, then I'm going to avoid it and avoid purchasing things with the beveled logo printed or stitched on them.
If I love my university (and I most certainly do) but don't like the beveled logo, it is unreasonable to want to see it eliminated?
Furthermore, if I don't like the beveled logo and would like to see it eliminated, then does it not make sense to support others who would like to see it eliminated as well?
That's like, my reasonable and logical opinion, man.
I don't care if you disagree, as I'm not trying to force you to hate the bevel like I do.
I'm not leading a crusade to change it, as this ranks pretty low on the scale of things I need to spend my time doing. However I'll certainly support and encourage anyone who is, regardless of their "logic" or "reason".
As an ancient Chinese proberb says, "It is good to strike the serpent's head with your enemy's hand." In other words, the bevel's enemy is my friend.