twk said:
aTmAg said:
If Mcarthy really gave a rats ass about the party (and country), he would step down due to the recognition that he couldn't lead the GOP even if he won.
The fact that he hasn't done so is proof enough that he is not worthy.
BS. If Jordan is elected speaker, it's only a matter of time before he does something (some kind of compromise, no doubt) that enrages these mental midgets and they move to vacate the chair, starting this process all over again.
If Jordan does something that moves us away from liberty, then they should move to vacate the chair. That would be GREAT. That would ensure that he doesn't do something stupid.
And the real mental midgets here are those who think that THIS RINO WILL BE DIFFERENT!!! Those who actually understand conservatism and economics are the smart ones in the room.
The Democrats got all their pork through last session by uniting. That's the only hope the Republicans have for stopping more of the same.
It's easy to unite behind buying votes with taxpayer money. It's hard to do the right thing. We should want people who strive to do the right thing. Not those who unite behind screwing over America.