ravingfans said:
YouBet said:
hph6203 said:
aggie93 said:
Squadron7 said:
aggie93 said:
ballchain said:
The first "More Tweets" I see after the shadow ban tweet..
Twitter is a sewer.
Yes, Elon needs to be all class like the leftists are. I'm sure they will miss this guy kind of like the folks who won't fly because they lifted mask mandates.
From this O'Sullivan guy's bio page:
"Resister | Sports Nut | Music Lover"
Got that all you Right Wings Crazies??? I'm a ReSiStEr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um, last I checked the Dems controlled the Presidency and both Houses. What's he resisting exactly?
It's his role play with Bill Gates. Bill Gates pretends to be a sexual predator and he pretends to resist.
Wouldn't surprise me if he was. He essentially had an open marriage.
True, but he forgot to clue his wife, Melinda in on the open part of their marriage. Once all of the Epstein island stuff started coming out and she started learning about his exploits, they separated and she divorced him.
They learned from Enron.
Lou Pai has been the blueprint for Bezos, Gates, etc for the divorces lately IMO
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