Wandavision Discussion Thread

198,061 Views | 2411 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by YouBet
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Before your edit, I read it as you chastising us for playing guessing games the past eight weeks. If you meant something else, I apologize.
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and the best part is pretty much no one... here, the supposed story leakers, the Youtube analysts - got the end right, which is freaking amazing in this day and age.

and Dottie was the key to nothing. at all.
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TCTTS said:

Before your edit, I read it as you chastising us for playing guessing games the past eight weeks. If you meant something else, I apologize.
No my "some of you" was meant to be talking about the first point in that sentence - that those who love the weekly episodes... because it allows time to discuss..."

the lead in to the next thought was poorly written where it was meant to then say "it gives us way too much time to overanalyze".

pointing out the biggest flaw in weekly vs binging - too much time to set ourselves up for disappointment

that is why i edited at the same time you responded because i realized it read worse than what I was saying.
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One thing I'm glad I did is rewatch Age of Ultron, Civil War, and the first act or so of Infinity War war the past couple of nights. Olsen really does look and act like a teenager in the first two especially, from 2015 and 2016 respectively. So it's crazy how much she's matured in five years, both as a character and an actress, into a completely believable mother and someone with so much poise and command now. She feels like a totally different character/person in her new Scarlet Witch getup, one I'm genuinely excited to see more of in the future.
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Gotcha. I would still take this over the Netflix style, though. The fun and hype of the week-to-week discussion is more than worth being slightly disappointed in an otherwise good finale, IMO.
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TCTTS said:

Gotcha. I would still take this over the Netflix style, though. The fun and hype of the week-to-week discussion is more than worth being slightly disappointed in an otherwise good finale, IMO.
I guess the main takeaway should be any reference or Easter egg to the comics should be taken as just fan service and not overanalyzed.

These shows are not like True Believer where there are clues scattered about. They are just window dressing.

Also... note to disregard the cast. Bettany's joke about acting with himself was brilliant, but some of the comments by other people (re, the engineer being relevant, Dottie being relevant ) were just utter bull**** and not even funny in a wink/nod sort of way.
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I think Falcon and Winter soldier will be more straightforward and less easter egg-ish in that regard. The conceit alone of WandaVision seems to lend itself way more to the whole Mystery Box/Lost vibe than some of these other shows will. So hopefully Falcon and Winter Soldier is more of just a being-along-for-the-thrill-of-the-ride kind of thing, a la Winter Soldier.
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I thought that was perfect honestly and set up a lot going forward.

The boys are lost and Wanda is learning from the Darkhold trying to rescue them. Agatha telegraphed that she has unleashed something which sets up a future villain (Nightmare) and her as a future Frenemy/mentor. We have Vision back in ways that have a lot of potential for inner conflict and makes Wandavision absolutely necessary when he shows up again in the films. How can you say that the tv shows are less than the movies with what was set up here?

Clever use of the runes on the inside of the Hex

Monica becoming a being of energy like her comic book self was very nice.

Anyone disappointed by that has themselves to blame to be honest. Was I hoping Strange would show up in that cinema, sure. But I am not going to be upset about it either. Even the director and Bettany were concerned folks would be disappointed because the speculation.

Also love that we got a superhero fight with Elizabeth Olsen in effectively soccer mom chic. And that Scarlet Witch outfit . . . hnnnnngh! The Queen
Fighting Texas Aggie Class of 2012
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How can you say that the tv shows are less than the movies with what was set up here?

You just answered your own question. Because setup is almost all it was. It didn't really advance the overall *plot* of the MCU in the ways many of the movies do. Yes, Vision is back, which is awesome, we were (re)introduced to a relatively prominent new character in Monica, etc, but even those were just extended setups for more crucial adventures to come. Which is all totally fine. But plot-wise, if this was any indication, the shows are now likely still going to be the B stories to the movies' A stories, when Feige implied it was all A stories from here on out.

That said, again, we were indeed treated to some of the best character development in all of the MCU. Wanda is clearly going to have a huge role going forward, and I'm way more invested in her now in ways a movie likely never could have accomplished. So overall I suppose it evens out.
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Maybe that is why I am not really bothered by it because it was so well done? I don't feel like my time was squandered or insulted. If anything this is probably much closer to the spirit of the comics where the movies are the big crossover events and these shows are in the individual runs. I have to wonder as well the timing of COVID that this wasn't the original opening of Phase 4. We would have had Black Widow and Falcon already before this came out. I think Falcon is going to be much closer to the movies but I have a feeling Loki will be much closer to this setting up future elements.

Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany are going to have eyes on them moving forward if they weren't before. I don't really track the Emmys but I have to feel like they will be up for some rewards no?
Fighting Texas Aggie Class of 2012
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For the record, I don't at all feel like my time was squandered or insulted. I really, really liked this season, love these characters/actors even more now, and absolutely enjoyed the finale for the most part. In and of itself, it was all fantastic. My "complaints" are more in the *observation* category in that Feige and the actors set certain false expectations, if even only slightly. Overall, I actually prefer that the movies will still count just a bit more.
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Good series overall, but I expected a cameo or a bigger reveal based on all of the speculation. I still enjoyed it a lot, but agree with others about it not really advancing the plot of the MCU. My main complaint is what they did with Evan Peters. They have talked about this show tying to the multiverse in some way, so to have Evan Peters show up and then be a complete red herring was too much of a misdirection for me to be on board with. That one decision alone made me expect a lot more out of the future episodes that never panned out.
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in retrospect they said it "leads into the multiverse" assuming ITMoM.

I think we all just read a lot more into that statement that there actually was.

and damn that under 40 minute run time, including logo and previously on, up to the first credits.
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TCTTS said:

Pfft when one speaks of the greatest comic book movie ever made, the entire thing was a highlight
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Haven't caught up on the thread yet since watching the finale but have to say: my favorite part was the opening. After the debt threw his little temper tantrum last week the show crapped all over his complaint IN THE OPENING LINES
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TCTTS said:

For the record, I don't at all feel like my time was squandered or insulted. I really, really liked this season, love these characters/actors even more now, and absolutely enjoyed the finale for the most part. In and of itself, it was all fantastic. My "complaints" are more in the *observation* category in that Feige and the actors set certain false expectations, if even only slightly. Overall, I actually prefer that the movies will still count just a bit more.

I'm not sure I agree, though I get where you're coming from. I don't think WandaVision was any less than, for example, Ant Man & the Wasp.

Both had existing super heroes (Wanda/Vision vs Ant-Man), both added new super heroes to the roster (Monica vs the Wasp), both featured neutral-chaotic villains (Agatha vs Ghost), both had a few known side characters (Darcy/Woo vs Pym/Woo). Both filled in where characters have been after a major event (the Blip vs Civil War), both had mid/post-credits scenes that feeds into the next arc.

I think that misdirection was a major theme of this series - starting with Woo's business card, the line about Dottie being the key, the consistent mailman cameos, Fietro. Agree with the conversation above that the delivery of these shows in weekly installments leads to outlandish theories and overthinking by all of us (I'm certainly guilty). And that's part of the fun. No different than the same discussion that takes place between the movies.

While I expected a bit more, the mid/post-credit scenes were just teasers. The mid-credits scene to set up (I assume) Captain Marvel 2, the post-credits scene to set up the possibility of Wanda getting in over her head in dark magic (it seems that she's learning sorcery exactly the same way that Dr Strange did in his original movie), and the need for him to mentor her. Interested to see what they do with White Vision - really thought there'd be a post-credits scene with him.

Appreciate how they left Agatha's fate open-ended, presumably they can reuse her if they so desire. Hayward got the typical treatment that any non-powered bad guy gets (e.g., Justin Hammer).
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Very disappointed.

1. Fight was lame
2. Overpromised on cameo
3. No revealing big bad. Not even by name.
4. The waste of Evan Peters

Truly disappointing finale. The other shows coming up don't look as interesting so I'll probably binge them once they're all out. Especially now that we know we aren't going to get the big movie payoff from them.
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Felt like the Wanda post credit scene was meant to remind of Thanos post snap, just resting after his work was done (front porch chair and all). Then you see the astral projection working feverishly and you see the scarlet witch is far from finished.
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Haven't read the other comments yet, but Wandavision is easily a top-5 piece of MCU content for me. Loved the show, top to bottom. The Vision vs Vision 2.0 fight being settled by a logical discussion was perfect. The emotional impact of seeing Wanda's kids would also be lost with the town was very impactful. This show had great heart.

I can't wait to see what comes next for Wanda, Vision 2.0, Rambeau, the Darkhold, and, it appears, the kids.
Thanks and gig'em
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It is legitimately hilarious that Bettany was talking about himself as the actor he always wanted to work with.

Well done.

If this is the last we see of Bettany (who knows, especially with White Vision out there somewhere?) I will miss him a lot.
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I very much enjoyed every minute of that finale. Until I realized that there were then no more minutes left and it was over. The ending just felt too abrupt.

The last scenes with Wanda and Vision were hugely emotional and very satisfying. I do think that they left the issue of whether Wanda is a "good guy" or not up in the air that leads into Dr. Strange ItMoM nicely. Oh, and I loved that the mid credit scene with Monica leads into Captain Marvel 2 as well.

The cons were small things like Darcy having literally one line and Hayward's resolution wasn't very satisfying.

Overall, the series was a massive success for me, regardless of the abruptness of the ending.

Quad Dog
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My keep it simple guess wasn't too far off.

How many demons, Chthon, and Mephisto have we seen predicted in this show? They've all been wrong so far. It could all just much simpler too.

A power hungry SWORD director wants his own sentient Vision. Agatha wants to understand a powerful witch, and maybe steal her power. Wanda wants to grieve and took it too far. They all butt heads in the last episode with SWORD guy getting replaced by Monica, Agatha getting trapped in the mirror dimension, and Wanda going to therapy and maybe creating MCU mutants.
Gangnam Style
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I think many of us got carried away with all the crazy theories and were expecting potential cameos that never came to be. Going into the finale, I kept expecting Dr. Strange to show up and felt a bit disappointed when he didn't make a cameo.

But WandaVision is ultimately about Wanda, and I think the show did give us a pretty satisfying conclusion & set up Scarlet Witch to be a major player in phase 4.
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TCTTS said:

For the record, I don't at all feel like my time was squandered or insulted. I really, really liked this season, love these characters/actors even more now, and absolutely enjoyed the finale for the most part. In and of itself, it was all fantastic. My "complaints" are more in the *observation* category in that Feige and the actors set certain false expectations, if even only slightly. Overall, I actually prefer that the movies will still count just a bit more.
Overall I agree with this, but still think this series counts a lot for movies going forward. Someone else made a comparison to the Ant Man movies, and I think it's probably a fair comparison about how much this impacts things moving forward. The end credits appear to definitely push the overall MCU arc forward, and that would have made absolutely no sense without the buildup. Think about it like this: if it's true that the next Dr. Strange movie involves Wanda going to him to help find her sons, how completely lost would we be without this show? Not just in the sense of us knowing that she has sons in the first place, but knowing the emotional journey and toll she paid along the way. The same is even more true concerning whatever happens with White Vision - I'm sure we'll needed this buildup and emotional background to appreciate that.

I really enjoyed the series and thought it was very well done. I think most people who didn't like the finale or were disappointed are basing it upon standards completely outside of the show (I.e., comparing it to all of the theories, or guesses about cameos, or interpretations of comments by actors/creators). Honestly, that's kind of on you (and me too, as I did it as well) not the show. Just looking at the show as a self-contained unit, I thought it was pretty incredible and way more emotionally developmental than I expected.

FTR: these comments aren't really directed at TCTTS. Yours is just the post I happened to respond to
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I just want to know what Agatha meant when she told Wanda "You don't know what you have done". Figured there would be something hit the fan during the post credits to reference that but overall I enjoyed the show.
The Dirty Sock
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what happened to the rebuilt Vision bot?
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He flew away when he got his memories
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Overall, I give WandaVision an "A-" grade.

Positives :
  • Character building on Wanda and Vision. Can't tell you how much they've shot to the top of my favorite MCU characters.
  • Paul Bettany!! Legitimately one of my favorite actors.
  • The television show progression arc. This was fantastic, and a really big risk to take. The guessing game on what was really going on was a lot of fun, and it was presented in a unique, fun way.
  • Agatha - one of my favorite new character additions. Hahn did amazing here, and I think we're definitely going to see more of her in the future. Probably on the good guys' side if I had to guess.
  • Rambeau - Another fun character that will be fun to watch going forward. Captain Marvel wasn't my favorite, but Rambeau definitely adds to the intrigue on that side of the MCU.
  • Tommy and Billy - I think it's pretty obvious that Marvel is building towards the Young Avengers - I'm sure Wanda will get them back in Doctor Strange 2 and we'll continue down that path.
  • Marvel was successfully able to lower the stakes back down and resist going straight to another big bad guy. I cringed every time I watched one of those recap videos and they kept going to Mephisto, etc. I would have been ok if another bad guy showed up in the post-credits scene as a clue towards the future, but I'm really glad they didn't throw a giant devil-sized curveball halfway into the finale. That's one of my biggest pet peeves - you watch 7-8 episodes, only for a curveball to come in and render most of what you've watched fairly useless. It happens all the time in TV shows - it's how they get season after season with no end in sight.

Negatives :
  • Evan Peters' character - not sure what's really going on there. IF it was truly just a red-herring in terms of the multiverse, then it was pretty frustrating. BUT, I'm not sure we're done here yet. It looked like Rambeau "woke him up" but we never got to see what that version of Ralph really was. With that and the Multiverse looming, I have to think something else is building here and we're not done. Highly, highly doubt that he's just some random aspiring actor dude that lived in Westview and looked exactly like Pietro from a different universe.
  • Not enough time with the side characters. I think someone else said it above, but I felt like we needed another hour of run time throughout the last 2-3 episodes with them. I mean Darcy only showed up in one scene across the last two episodes? Rambeau didn't really have much time at the end either.
  • Hayward's character felt flat. I guess it kind of makes sense since he's playing second fiddle to Agatha, but there could have been more there.

Overall, I didn't know what to expect from Marvel after Infitiny War/ Endgame. It felt like the peak and that it was inevitable for some sort of decline to happen. Instead, Marvel built a fun, unique world, did a great job building out character development on some "lesser known" MCU characters, introduce a handful of new, exciting characters, built up the stakes with Wanda's family, and was able to successfully wrap up the story (while sewing plenty of seeds for the next phase) all in 9 episodes. I'm not sure if Marvel will ever be able to top Infinity War/Endgame considering all the characters, the stakes, etc..... but I'm more excited about the future of the universe than I thought I would be.
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I feel very much the same....i actually feel very satisfied that this came to an end the way it did. It wasnt tied in some neat bow but yet leaves me wanting more in regards to her boys being lost in the universe and vision being out there somewhere and agatha being held ready for something. Dr strange is probably the most ive looked forward to an mcu movie since endgame. Ill be watching it opening day along with my kids who fell in love with wandavision. My 4 year old loves witches and robot man. I have always loved a bad guy you can empathize with and understand how they got there. Even thanos had a great backstory for why he wanted his end goal. When my 4 yo asked if agatha and wanda were good or bad witches i loved that i couldn't really answer her straight because in the town of westview wanda will forever be the bad witch. I thought this show was pure greatness.
proudest member of the fightin texas aggie class of 2005.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Overall enjoyed the finale and the series.

Some open questions for whoever wants to discuss:

So was Ralph really just a random guy and this was all stunt casting? Or is an actual tie-in to X-Men coming?

Did Wanda split herself into two personas? Will the Scarlet Witch persona be the villain in Doctor Strange 2 while the "human Wanda" tries to stop her? Not sure I got what that last scene is setting up.

Where did White Vision go, and will his memories ever fully return?
Brian Earl Spilner
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Saxsoon said:

C@LAg said:

So the super awesome person that Paul Bettany has ALWAYS wanted to work with is the esteemed actor Paul Bettany?
That would be an incredible troll job by Bettany
Brian Earl Spilner
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The Debt said:

Anyone else disappointed in this episode?

It doesnt even make sense from Agatha's POV. She has Wanda completely bound and helpless unable to use her magic, taking her through her past. Then when agatha figures out shes the scarlet witch, agatha releases her. (Stupid mistake #1)
Then agatha threatens wanda with losing two more loved ones (stupid mistake #2, especially if you already know Wanda's power range). Then she reveals to Wanda her magical identity (stupid mistake #3). Its like Agatha wants to be beaten.

A rational villian would think "gee I have the scarlet witch under my control, let's keep her locked up" or "now that I know she is beyond my control, I shouldn't antagonize her by choking her kids" or "I know something she doesnt, and the longer she is oblivious the better for me."

Wtf is this writing?!?

This is like Kung Pao: Enter the Fist where they taught the idiot that getting hit means he won the exhibition.
Brian Earl Spilner
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And perhaps more importantly, it signaled that the Disney+ shows aren't going to "count" as much as the movies, which is somewhat disappointing.
Not sure I follow? It seemed to be a pretty huge setup for Scarlet Witch as the villain for Doctor Strange 2.
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