Our chocolate lab found a speckled kingsnake this morning on the fence line. The dog was glued on it until my wife got the dog away

MouthBQ98 said:
First copperhead of the year.
interesting. the tail looks like a blotched water snake, but the front half i thought maybe broad banded with odd coloring.Badace52 said:
Juvenile Nerodia erythrogaster... either PBWS or YBWS in that area. Non-venomous.
i'd be changing out of my jammies after seeing it, not before i was going to capture him.Deus Vult said:
First relocation of the year! Got a call last night about 11:15pm for a rattlesnake relocation from a guy's back yard. Found this little guy (Western Diamondback, about 3 ft) curled up outside his chicken coup. Took me about 30 minutes to get there, had to change out of my jammies and drive over. Guy said the snake never stopped rattling from the time he almost stepped on him until I got there. As wound up as that snake was he never struck at the tongs, he just looked at them with the expression of "don't you know who I am." Found him a nice new home in a heavily wooded creek system within an appropriate relocation distance.
Free Snake Relocation Volunteer Map
My old roommate at A&M is a gas passer at Baylor in Dallas.Badace52 said:
I am not a vet nor do I work with animals. I'm an emergency medicine doctor who was really interested in animals as a kid and tried to learn all I could about them back then and most of my current knowledge is holdover from back then combined with a continued interest in the outdoors.
I would still putt my ball into the cup and see what happens. But I sure as hell would not retrieve said ball.Lonestar_Ag09 said:
The Red-Bellied Black Snake is probably the least dangerous elapid snake in Australia. Very few deaths result from its bite, and numerous bites are reported every year.Lonestar_Ag09 said:
AgreedMyNameIsJeff said:
Appears to be a harmless Plain Bellied Watersnake.
I thought the head seemed like probably not a cottonmouth, but the tail getting skinny and the body being flat made me think cottonmouth. What helped you come to that conclusion since you can't see belly or the lines on mouth?MyNameIsJeff said:
Appears to be a harmless Plain Bellied Watersnake.