Big show! My dog found it on the fence line and gave her critter alert bark.

MouthBQ98 said:
Big show! My dog found it on the fence line and gave her critter alert bark.
MouthBQ98 said:
Looks like Diamondback water snake to me but hard to tell.
Hell of a trout stringer.
ttha_aggie_09 said:
I've only seen a few in person but I'm pretty sure that's a Northern. I would defer to 12f or Badace
DatTallArchitect said:
Gulf coast ribbon snake?
No, it's a Tonka Truck.HtownAg92 said:
Mini truck, forced perspective.
j/k that's a big f'er.
I've been. Am a snake lover. Specifically a rattlesnake lover.TJaggie14 said:
Was curious what y'all's thoughts were on this rattlesnake roundup that happens in Sweetwater, TX.
Saw some videos that were for it, others that were against it. Specifically folks were saying the venom milked isn't used/sold because it isn't collected in a sterile environment. Also the "gassing" to collect the snakes.