Doing some cleaning/organizing. I'm getting very close to selling stuff off. I have too much crap.
That being said, since I had some stuff out (this isn't all of it, which is why I'm thinking it's time to start selling), thought I'd put up some pics.
Some of the .308 guns:

From top to bottom, Springfield M1A Scout in Sage chassis, PTR-91 (18"), PTR-91 (12"). I still love the G-3 style rifles. Great sights, lightweight, and the newer ones like the 12" pictured have rails for optics, paddle mag release, etc. The M1A is new, and the novelty hasn't worn off yet on it. It's heavy and I'm about to make it heavier by scoping it. Nicer trigger than the G-3 style guns, heavier, magazine manipulation is more clumsy.
My three favorite 5.56 guns:

Top to bottom: Texian Firearms 20" A4 clone, 14.5" lightweight build (my favorite rifle, period), 10.5" pistol with law folder. They're all good guns in different ways. The 20" gun is a soft, soft shooter. The 14.5" gun is just so light and handy, it's my favorite shooter by far. The 10.5" gun fits into a backpack with the law folder and makes a great travel gun. 2 out of the 3 have G triggers. Need to put one in the 20" gun at some point, and get an ACOG to make it a more correct A4. Might also freefloat the 10.5" gun and put in some ambi parts. Part of the motivation of maybe selling some stuff is to get these three all set up perfectly because I'm def keeping these three.
Finally, some of the pistols:

Glock 22 with red dot and comp set up for USPSA Open and Steel Challenge. P-09, Dan Wesson Guardian 1911 in 9mm, CZ-75 SA with CGW upgrades and flat trigger, P-01 with CGW upgrades, Ruger LCP, Glock 19.
I've carried and competed with (minus the LCP) every single one of the above pistols, and like them all quite a bit. The red dot on the 22 makes it a breeze to shoot well.
The "compact" options:

12" G3k clone with an ace folder and sig brace, and a 10.5" AR with a law folder and shockwave brace. It's nice to have small options.
Got to thinking about what I'd keep if I could only keep one of each type. Really, really tough call. This is what I settled on:

The 12" G3k would get SBRd so I could use the HK stock on it. 14.5" AR is just a great shooter, light, everything I want in a rifle. The P-09 isn't my most customized gun or have the best trigger, but its easy to carry and I could use it in IDPA, USPSA, Steel Challenge, etc so if I was stuck with only one pistol (the horror), it would do everything I wanted to do with a pistol.
If yall were stuck with one rifle and one pistol out of what you own, what would you go with?