Similar scene at lake ray hubbard today.

Thing looks pissed.
pdc093 said:What would you do if you came home to this?
— B&S (@_B___S) April 12, 2023
I hope there's no baby sleeping in the nursery at the top of the stairs!SpreadsheetAg said:pdc093 said:What would you do if you came home to this?
— B&S (@_B___S) April 12, 2023
Get a pillowcase
Ag 11 said:MouthBQ98 said:
Grumpy water snake. Did his best water moccasin imitation. I think a plain belly.
Did a great imitation. Gave herself away with the tail though too
And still people will argue till they're blue in the face that it's a cottonmouth.Badace52 said:
Good example of angry snake flattening head into diamond shape and why diamond shaped vs oval heads are not great indicators for venomous and non-venomous snakes respectively.
HtownAg92 said:Putnam? Before Moran started selling booze in the late 1980's, Putnam was one of our destinations for its lax ID checking.Yesterday said:VaultingChemist said:
Callahan County, Texas.
Which part? I'm just south of Moran and West of Cisco. Haven't seen a rattler this year but they're out there.