That's a good looking rat snake. It has eaten a lot of rats to get that big.
512Ag said:
Saw this beautiful western coachwhip out in Marathon a couple weeks ago.
Daddy-O5 said:
Plain belly or "blotched" water snake.
Cromagnum said:
Didn't get a picture but caught a yellow bellied water snake munching on a freshly caught toad. I gave him a slight boop on the tail and the toad sprung to life and hauled ass.
trip98 said:
Neighbor is new to area. Said he killed copperhead. Sent me picture and it suuuure looka like a coachwhip
But we live in Humble and didnt think coachwhip lived here??
agcrock2005 said:
Why "plain" and not "yellow" snake experts? My amateur guess would have been YBWS because there's so much yellow on belly.