PatAg said:
I don't agree with firing her, but she also knew what would likely happen by continuing to do it.
She isn't being arrested, and she can still work as an actress. She just got fired because she explicitly did something her employer did not want her to do, that in their minds can harm their brand.
I'm not even saying you can't be upset about it, or I didn't intend to be if it came across that way.
I don't really understand people's obsession with caring what celebrities politics are in the first place. Especially actors, you are literally watching them pretend to be other people. Who cares who they are privately.
The picture Pedro posted is the same kind of **** you see other morons tweeting and thinking they are being extremely clever. I'm still going to enjoy the Mandalorian, I don't watch it to inform my view of the world. If Disney thought that would harm their brand, he would be fired too (would be harder since he is the main character, but that's just another thing that factors into it)
I think a few other factors play in here as well.
Pedro has posted some inflammatory things, but he's also targeting a group that routinely says things just as awful about Hollywood. He's also calling out a belief system or actions, whereas Carano literally asked what the difference was between persecuting Jews and Conservatives.
We also all know that Hollywood skews left and happens to be largely funded by the ethnic group she posted at best things in very poor taste about. Not a good idea.
When an entire industry is very aware of diversity and inclusion (whatever your opinion of that might be) you can't go around comparing political beliefs to ethnic cleansing (even if it wasn't a direct comparison) when you've already got a history of unpopular opinions like Carano did.
I don't necessarily think she should've been fired, but I understand why she was.