djmeen95 said:
Brian Earl Spilner said:
I'm sorry, this is just incorrect.
You realize Kennedy is a producer, right? Not a director. Not a writer. Her job is literally to hire the right people and approve the right projects.
She absolutely gets credit for this just as she does for everything that's happened in the Disney era.
Agree to disagree.
She's a walking epitome of what's wrong with big companies. Leaders promoted beyond their capabilities who milk any lightning in a bottle success they can stumble upon from the people beneath them while avoiding being held accountable for the messes they create.
Favreau and his team have been amazing. Kennedy has been a bad steward of this property.
But go ahead and keep whatever candles on you may have on the Kennedy altar, and I'll keep the voodoo doll out on mine.
Congratulations on having one of the dumbest takes not only on this thread, but on the entire Entertainment board, which is saying something.
Here are just a few of Kennedy's producing credits over her nearly 40-year producing career...
E.T.PoltergeistIndiana Jones and the Temple of DoomGremlinsThe GooniesThe Back to the Future TrilogyEmpire of the SunWho Framed Roger RabbitThe Jurassic Park TrilogySchindler's List TwisterThe Sixth SenseSignsSeabiscuitMunichLincolnLighting in a bottle success? Stumbling career? Messes made? Prior to running Lucasfilm, she easily boasted one of the most stellar producing careers in all of movie history. In 2012, considering her decades-long relationship with Lucas, she made just as much sense to lead the company as anyone, and was hand-picked by Lucas himself. From there, no doubt, she got the sequel trilogy wrong (which, for the 400th time, I would argue was just as much Bob Iger's fault for forcing the 2015 release date), and she had some bad luck with a couple of director choices as well (though, ANYONE would have gone with Gareth Edwards post-
Godzilla and Lord & Miller with the hot streak they continue to be on). But to call her "promoted beyond her capabilities" is just utterly asinine.
And look, I've been just as vocal in my critiques of Kennedy over the years. But like others here are saying, you can't lay only the blame on her and not the praise. Kennedy and Kennedy alone greenlit
The Mandalorian. She's heard probably well over a hundred pitches from writers during her eight-year tenure at Lucasfilm, and SHE picked it out of the bunch, SHE empowered Favreau, and SHE elevated Filoni to work alongside him. And she did this all on a massive, unproven platform, in a medium Star Wars had never occupied (live-action television), while making it with technology that didn't exist prior (the volume). For
The Mandalorian to be the massive success it's been, while also being the first of its kind in myriad ways, you HAVE to give Kennedy credit for such a pioneering effort. She's not without her faults, but I would argue that her decisions are the primary reasons this show - and now the entire franchise - has and will likely continue to be a runaway hit at such a crucial, uncharted, paradigm-shifting moment for movies and television.