*****Official THE MANDALORIAN Season 2 Thread*****

300,257 Views | 3004 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by jeffk
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Duncan Idaho said:

Brian Earl Spilner said:

Very cool and gracious post by the original Ahsoka, and a great response from Rosario Dawson. (Gotta open the post.)


That is a fantastic shirt.
She has a nerdy girl fashion design company I believe.
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It's great that they have been trying to get the actors in the show when they can. Matt Lanter (Anakin in clone wars) was the goofy security guard Dyn saved during the prison break episode. I hope they can get her in a more substantial role in the future in the show.
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Being a dad of girls has impacted me in similar ways. It's a lens that I definitely didn't have just a few years ago.
Gangnam Style
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HerUniverse. Don't think that particular sweater she's wearing is on sale but would totally get it.
Brian Earl Spilner
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I spent the weekend with my brother's family, and my niece (6 years old) has become a fan of Star Wars, and Rey in particular. She has been talking about how she wants Rey's blue lightsaber.

I'll be at Galaxy's Edge with them this Christmas, and I'm pretty excited just to see her reaction to being IN the world of Star Wars, seeing Rey, etc.

They also know all about Baby Yoda, even though they haven't actually watched The Mandalorian yet. But they will be watching that next.

Really unexpected, given that my brother is not a big Star Wars guy at all, but he has been showing his kids the movies, and she has become a fan.

Couldn't be a prouder uncle.
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

I spent the weekend with my brother's family, and my niece (6 years old) has become a fan of Star Wars, and Rey in particular. She has been talking about how she wants Rey's blue lightsaber.

I'll be at Galaxy's Edge with them this Christmas, and I'm pretty excited just to see her reaction to being IN the world of Star Wars, seeing Rey, etc.

They also know all about Baby Yoda, even though they haven't actually watched The Mandalorian yet. But they will be watching that next.

Really unexpected, given that my brother is not a big Star Wars guy at all, but he has been showing his kids the movies, and she has become a fan.

Couldn't be a prouder uncle.

Raising em right
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Awesome. My biggest concern now as a dad is what's the perfect age to sit her down to watch Star Wars. I want the experience to be memorable and her to be old enough to grok enough of it, but Im not sure I want to wait years for that.
The Collective
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israeliag said:

Awesome. My biggest concern now as a dad is what's the perfect age to sit her down to watch Star Wars.

A few days old...
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Ahsoka feature poster:
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israeliag said:

Great read. Listening to her talk about it, it's great to have someone who feels so passionate about the character and bringing her to life.
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Man, I had totally forgotten that Rosario Dawson got her start in Kids.
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Speaking as someone who is not deep in all the Star Wars mythos and just knows the movies and some second hand information, there seems to be a dynamic where there are more "religious orthodox" groups (Jedi and Mando's particular group of Mandolorians) and then those that that are of the same religion, but just not steeped in all of the "legalism" of the orthodox groups (ie: Ashoka's brand of "Jedi" or Bo Katan's group off Mandolorians).

Is this the case in the Star Wars universe?

If so, then the term "Jedi" would only be one that harkens back to a different time just to label a force sensitive person who has trained and developed his/her/it's powers and who also uses a lightsaber. However, if they do not truly follow the path of a Jedi, are they truly a Jedi? Is there a different name for them?

As someone who takes his faith very seriously but is not a fan of organized religion, this is something I find very interesting.
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Force wielder would be the name for someone like Ahsoka that doesn't follow the Jedi path. She frequently corrects people in Rebels and in Clone Wars after she leaves the Jedi Order when referred to as a Jedi.
Duncan Idaho
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There is some interesting commentary hinted at in the PT about how the jedi lost their way and became a mockery of what they were. But it was lost in ham-fisted story telling a boring love story and bad comedy

The clone wars does a much better job of building it out.
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Hoping bringing up TLJ doesn't start a flame war, but Luke does a pretty clean job of rebuking The Jedi Order there. Plus, this is the same order that sent child soldiers into war for f's sake. They f'ed up pretty bad during the last year's of the Republic - not just losing to the Sith, but losing their way. It's a bit of a wonder that Ahsoka isn't more (at all?) messed up mentally.
Duncan Idaho
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The younglings at the jedi temple reminded me of that Jesus Camp documentary
Ag Since 83
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More monstrous trait of the Jedi: child soldiers or taking them from their families at an early age to begin with?
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The Jedi Order was the IMG Academy of the Republic.
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jeffk said:

The Jedi Order was the IMG Academy of the Republic.
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You could probably make a pretty compelling storyline about an anti-Jedi group, maybe set in the distant past when the Jedi order was at its height. Something similar to what Legend of Korra did, but more catered toward the Star Wars universe. Really harkening on the things like taking children at a young age and brainwashing them, then using them in wars. Can also play on the thin line Jedi walk between the light and dark side, bringing up the horrors of recent Sith lords and questioning what prevents them from turning and enslaving the galaxy as a group.
M.C. Swag
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Ashoka is cool and im happy to see they've integrated her character into The Mandalorian (from what I've read, I'd love to have her story fleshed out), but as a person who never watched Rebels or Clone Wars (tv series) I'm hoping they don't exclusively rely on those stories more than they have. Like, with Bo-Katan, Ashoka and now Thrawn, I'm worried that anyone who didn't watch the cartoons may get left behind (simply b/c Disney seems to implicitly assume you know who a guy like Bo Katan or Thrawn is and thus should care about them when in fact, I have no idea).

Maybe it's a 'me problem', but I just want the Mandalorian to stand on it's own merits or at least provide some of the substance for why I should care about Ashoka/Thrawn etc, if they're going to keep relying on the cartoon canon.
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I don't really agree with you, here. I am one who has never watched the animated shows nor read any of the books. The stories we were given in both those episodes are simply pushing the narrative along and introducing us to these characters.

Those who are fans of the animated series' and the books just get extra fan service for them. What would be the difference in Bo Katan sending Mando to a random Jedi you've never heard of versus Ashoka? The story could have been the exact same. The fact they used Ashoka just gave long time fans a reward and enticed those of us who haven't watching the other series to do so.

The same goes for Bo Katan. I know nothing about her other than what I got from the show. She seems to be a Mandolorian leader of some sort who is working against Empire fragments to gather weapons, thwart plans, and retake her home world. What would it matter if it was Bo Katan or some random Mandolorian? The story is the same. Making it Bo Katan just rewards the fans.

I have absolutely no problem with fan service, as long as plot and character development do not suffer.
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As someone who's watched the animated series, I agree with you. Give each their own room to breathe - there's plenty of space in the galaxy for those stories to be told separately.

However, I would like to see how they tie with the ST. While S1 seemed more like a fun jaunt, it's starting to look like this has been planned with a larger/longer plotline that ties back into, or fleshes out the behind the scenes of, what we've seen in the films.
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sure we're geeking out about Ashoka and Thrawn, but it's no different than how Marvel laid out some introductions to characters to be developed later. Sure comic book fans knew the references but the masses had to google what that meant.

In Star Wars, if you knew nothing of them, your introduction is a badass Jedi that knows yoda and alludes to Anakin's fall.
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The First Order thought the Jedi were on to something with the taking kids from families. They just went a step further to actual brain washing.
M.C. Swag
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Flashdiaz said:

In Star Wars, if you knew nothing of them, your introduction is a badass Jedi that knows yoda and alludes to Anakin's fall.
Right, which is why i'm totally cool with Ashoka. But it seems like every episode this season has more than "nods" to Rebels/Clone Wars and just assumes people have that background in their head. Idk, I can't quantify it but there's a line between fan service for the die hards (w/easter eggs, subtle nods, etc) and actual foundational sequel plot development; and this series is starting to get awfully close to crossing that line into what I'm starting to feel is more of a sequel territory.
M.C. Swag
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DallasTeleAg said:

The same goes for Bo Katan. I know nothing about her other than what I got from the show. She seems to be a Mandolorian leader of some sort who is working against Empire fragments to gather weapons, thwart plans, and retake her home world. What would it matter if it was Bo Katan or some random Mandolorian? The story is the same. Making it Bo Katan just rewards the fans.
I mean, i have no idea how it would change if it was some random Mandalorian. I thought there was some 'royalty' significance or something with Bo Katan. I didn't really understand the full context of how there's a monarchy (?) or something on Mandalore with religious factions and how the dark sabre actually fits into all of that. Based on what I've gathered from here, all of that was pretty integral to the cartoons and they kinda just glossed over it in the Mandalorian.

How important all of that ends up being in the show is yet to be seen b/c I have no idea if Katan or her story will come back into play.
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Considering Gideon has the Dark Saber, and our main character is a Mandalorian, I would expect to see Bo Katan again.

Ahsoka, on the other hand, I don't expect to see again. Probably used this episode as a "test run" for a full series with her.
Jugstore Cowboy
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But it seems like every episode this season has more than "nods" to Rebels/Clone Wars and just assumes people have that background in their head. Idk, I can't quantify it but there's a line between fan service for the die hards (w/easter eggs, subtle nods, etc) and actual foundational sequel plot development; and this series is starting to get awfully close to crossing that line into what I'm starting to feel is more of a sequel territory.
Idk, I've never watched the animated series, and I'm ok with them introducing characters in the way they have. Mando is kind of the viewer's stand-in, finding out about all these people as he goes along. There's no reason for me to need to know more than he does in order to enjoy the show.

I find it perfectly possible to enjoy the show without getting bogged down in reading the fan theories/fan fiction message board commentary.I've peaked in on this thread and another board from time to time to see what I missed in the show, but I'm not delving into the uber Star Wars nerd arguments about why you need to know the backstory of Pango-Kwai-Tan in the great Battle of Askatan VII in order to fully appreciate the way a cameo character turns their head as an allusion to the obvious necessity of introducing Jaekwo Bal in the outer rim system of Ogulous 8, which was conquered by Darth Priapus 887 BBY.
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Are you sure you're not a Star Wars nerd?
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Good job coming up with those names. I just googled them all to make sure they weren't real lol.
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As for Ahsoka herself, might she be seen again? A screenshot of some Instagram action between her and fellow Mandalorian guest star Simon Kassianides, who earlier this season appeared alongside Katie Sackhoff's Bo-Katan as Axe Woves, suggests they did share scenes together. In which case, an Ahsoka encore and a live-action "reunion" with Bo-Katan in fact awaits us.

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So, I'll add to this.

I've watched singular episodes of CW and Rebels - completely in passing and that's it.

Trying to get my kid to watch that instead of Bey Blade (barf)...

Anyways, someone called out that the HK droids had Thrawn's 3rd Fleet (or w/e) insignia on their head. I mean that is an Easter egg 100%, and only pays homage to fan-boys, BUT it doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the show.

As I said, since I am not familiar with either animated series, the magistrates skill with a staff led me to believe that she was more than she seemed. Hence, why I said maybe she was supposed to represent something like an inquisitor or other semi-force sensitive bad guy. (I think inquisitors are force sensitive and good combatants - right?)

All this to say, I like the series and like the nods to other things in the SW universe, I don't feel it detracts from the show by not being familiar with these things, but I would say those of you that are familiar, probably get a little bit more enjoyment out of somethings. That said, don't come crying when something changes...
M.C. Swag
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Harry Lime said:


But it seems like every episode this season has more than "nods" to Rebels/Clone Wars and just assumes people have that background in their head. Idk, I can't quantify it but there's a line between fan service for the die hards (w/easter eggs, subtle nods, etc) and actual foundational sequel plot development; and this series is starting to get awfully close to crossing that line into what I'm starting to feel is more of a sequel territory.
Idk, I've never watched the animated series, and I'm ok with them introducing characters in the way they have. Mando is kind of the viewer's stand-in, finding out about all these people as he goes along. There's no reason for me to need to know more than he does in order to enjoy the show.
haha i didn't say i'm not enjoying the show, just that the relationship to Clone Wars/Rebels seems to be playing a much larger role than I anticipated.
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