Yall aren't helping your case, that is one of the most boring *themes he has written for any of the movies.
The best part about John Williams is he creates iconic themes for his movies that you can just pick up and hum to yourself because they are that memorable. He is the master of iconic music themes and he really didn't find an identity with any of the new films.
That said, I do understand he was well into his 80s and anything he puts out at this point should be appreciated. He will be one of the biggest losses to movies in my lifetime when he dies.
It's a difference of opinion. Rey's theme is gorgeous music that carries throughout the trilogy.
Other than maybe Rey's Theme (and even that might be a stretch), I don't see anything in the ST standing the test of time and becoming a mainstay of memorable movie music.
Rey's Theme is phenomenal
Oh I agree. But when a single theme is what stands out from an entire trilogy, something is wrong.
Kylo's "theme" (which is more of a cue really) is super short.
March of the Resistance is cool, but is just not that memorable or hummable. It wasn't until the third or fourth viewing of TFA that that melody started standing out to me.
The Jedi Steps, I do absolutely love, though. But again, not a hummable theme at all.
Other than maybe Rey's Theme (and even that might be a stretch), I don't see anything in the ST standing the test of time and becoming a mainstay of memorable movie music.
Rey's Theme is phenomenal
Oh I agree. But when a single theme is what stands out from an entire trilogy, something is wrong.
Kylo's "theme" (which is more of a cue really) is super short.
March of the Resistance is cool, but is just not that memorable or hummable. It wasn't until the third or fourth viewing of TFA that that melody started standing out to me.
The Jedi Steps, I do absolutely love, though. But again, not a hummable theme at all.
I hope John Williams has better aspirations than making his songs "hummable".
You will remember the music from the original trilogy, Duel of the Fates, Indiana Jones, Superman, Jaws etc until the day you die because he makes the most memorable music in Hollywood. Not saying Reys theme is bad it just isn't that hallmark piece of music you are accustomed to from him.
You will remember the music from the original trilogy, Duel of the Fates, Indiana Jones, Superman, Jaws etc until the day you die because he makes the most memorable music in Hollywood. Not saying Reys theme is bad it just isn't that hallmark piece of music you are accustomed to from him.
I continue to disagree, I listen to the sequel trilogy soundtracks weekly and really enjoy them.
Great Tracks
TFA I Can Fly Anything Rey's Theme The Falcon Rey Meets BB-8 Han and Leia March of the Resistance The Ways of the Force Scherzo for X-Wings The Jedi Steps
The Last Jedi Main Title and Escape Ach-To Island Old Friends The Rebellion is Reborn The Sacred Jedi Texts A New Alliance - just fantastic The Spark The Last Jedi
The Rise of Skywalker The Rise of Skywalker The Old DeathStar Destiny of a Jedi - just fantastic We Go Together The Force is With you
"Reys theme" is so memorable I had to click on the link to listen to it because I had no idea how it went. After hearing it I honestly couldn't tell you what scenes it was in.
"Reys theme" is so memorable I had to click on the link to listen to it because I had no idea how it went. After hearing it I honestly couldn't tell you what scenes it was in.
"Reys theme" is so memorable I had to click on the link to listen to it because I had no idea how it went. After hearing it I honestly couldn't tell you what scenes it was in.
Now that's just trolling.
It's not trolling, it sounds like background music in a transition scene
"Reys theme" is so memorable I had to click on the link to listen to it because I had no idea how it went. After hearing it I honestly couldn't tell you what scenes it was in.
"Reys theme" is so memorable I had to click on the link to listen to it because I had no idea how it went. After hearing it I honestly couldn't tell you what scenes it was in.
Now that's just trolling.
Not trolling. It just isn't a memorable piece of music.
"Reys theme" is so memorable I had to click on the link to listen to it because I had no idea how it went. After hearing it I honestly couldn't tell you what scenes it was in.
This is definitely memorable and catchy. It's not memorable and epic like Luke's theme, but I haven't heard this since Rise of Skywalker was in theaters, and I still catch myself humming it from time to time.
I love Rey's Theme, and the second I heard it in the theater - as Rey slides down the sand dune from the crashed Star Destroyer in the first act - for me, it gave TFA a "Christmas movie" vibe, in the best way. Right out of the gate, it helped establish the sequel trilogy as a Christmas franchise - like Harry Potter or Home Alone or something - as opposed to the summer blockbuster franchise it had been. Something about when the bells kick in at the 14-second mark...
I love Rey's Theme, and the second I heard it in the theater - as Rey slides down the sand dune from the crashed Star Destroyer in the first act - for me, it gave TFA a "Christmas movie" vibe, in the best way. Right out of the gate, it helped establish the sequel trilogy as a Christmas franchise - like Harry Potter or Home Alone or something - as opposed to the summer blockbuster franchise it had been. Something about when the bells kick in at the 14-second mark...
I never made the Christmas connection, but you are right that it immediately reminds me of the Home Alone theme, another Williams classic.
Other than the iconic pieces like the Imperial March, the Star Wars theme, and Binary Sunset/the Force theme, IMO Sith has the most memorable soundtrack.
The ST is entirely forgettable, except for bit that plays when Kylo and Luke face off on Crait. That part was badass
the new music isnt as good as the old, but its still the best thing about the new movies (other than R1 which is awesome).
the new movies are such **** they just need to be ignored. but the prequels could be a cool remake - if they would redo them with modern effects, turn the 3 movies into 2, leave out a bunch of bull****, jar jar, etc., and fill in some better development on core points, they would make a good story, and good movies.
i also have to say, because of Mandalorian, i binged rebels and clone wars. If you took the best 5 or 10 rebels episodes, and the best 25 or so clone wars episodes, you have a really nice addition to the overall star wars story.
I've somehow seen Attack of the Clones more than than the other two prequels by a large margin. Not sure why. Have maybe only seen Sith a couple of times.
I've somehow seen Attack of the Clones more than than the other two prequels by a large margin. Not sure why. Have maybe only seen Sith a couple of times.
I've never understood the hate for Phantom Menace. Maybe it was my age when I saw it in theatres, but there was more good in that movie than bad, imo.
We have also become used to seeing it, but the first time you got to actually see a world where the Jedi were numerous (relatively speaking), was so cool. Seeing Jedi at their prime fight droids and a Sith Lord was just so freaking cool.
I would still rather watch The Rescue over and over than any of the sequels, ever again. It's just sad that I have had no desire to rewatch Episodes 8 or 9 since i saw them in theatres. I have at least seen the prequels multiple times.
Oh, and aside from The Force Theme (which I consider Luke's theme), Dual of the Fates is my favorite piece from any of the Star Wars movies.
I love Rey's Theme, and the second I heard it in the theater - as Rey slides down the sand dune from the crashed Star Destroyer in the first act - for me, it gave TFA a "Christmas movie" vibe, in the best way. Right out of the gate, it helped establish the sequel trilogy as a Christmas franchise - like Harry Potter or Home Alone or something - as opposed to the summer blockbuster franchise it had been. Something about when the bells kick in at the 14-second mark...
It had a lot of Home Alone type bits in it, which makes sense in both ways since he did Home Alone and the first Harry Pottah
Again, the good outweigh the bad. Yes there's Jar Jar, but there's also Duel of the Fates.
I said earlier that TPM is my favorite prequel but when you wait 16 years after ROTJ and you get a rastafarian frog saying exsqueeze me and muy muy I love you in the first 15 minutes, it's a tough pill to swallow
I got mad at my friends when they wanted to skip TPM when doing a rewatch. They went on about the machete order and how it bears no relevance on the rest of the plot.
Filoni ****s down their throats with his duel of the fates monologue
I don't hate ROTJ, but it's the weakest of the OT, and if people are going to look past the Ewoks for ROTJ, they should do the same for Jar Jar. Both were made for kids and bring down what would otherwise be a good to great movie.
I don't hate ROTJ, but it's the weakest of the OT, and if people are going to look past the Ewoks for ROTJ, they should do the same for Jar Jar. Both were made for kids and bring down what would otherwise be a good to great movie.
Furthermore, I know most people are already on the side of TPM having great moments...but damn if the podrace wasn't one of the coolest things I'd ever seen in 1999.
To this day, I don't know if I've ever heard a better sound-designed scene in all movies. Maybe Normandy beach in Saving Private Ryan, but that's about it.