Despite all odds HDYN's head is still above water, a small equity which still holds significant
interest in a giant asset, yet to be proven and developed by JV Operator Tullow.
A candle in the wind, still burning, despite all the prior major gusts below. No debt, but certainly
low on wax.
-Civil Warin ROG, then embryonic democracy
-Assassination attempt of ROG President Alpha Conde
-Commercial failure of Sabu well, ending shallow campaign
-BS class action lawsuits & DOJ lawsuit
-Tullow Force Majeure
-Worst Ebola outbreak in world history
-Dilution and reverse split 1-for-8
-NYSE de-listing
A lot has transpired since OP, but the very simple premise still stands. If HDYN holds interest
in this acreage when a major discovery is made, shareholders will profit. This has
always been the basis for this entire play. A debt free company, with no cash flow,
and all its eggs in one basket.
Prior comments about retail shareholders' disadvantages and lack of HDYN leverage or influence in its own fate at the moment, still stand.
The only thing HDYN has going:
Tullow needs a word class discovery and it's cheap to drill (not that Tullow isn't slashing